August 2011 - Buntús Cainte

  • Buntús Cainte Lesson list – what you’ll cover in each 30 minute lesson

    With 60 x 30 minute lessons in our interactive Irish course, there’s a whole lot of lessons to learn from!

    So we’ve created a handy lesson list to help you see just what you’ll be covering as you work your way through the course. We’ve also created short guides to all 60 lessons with more information. You can explore these using the links below.

    Remember that while you can choose to do the lessons in whatever order you want, our Irish lessons are designed to be completed one after another. The knowledge you’ll learn in the first lesson will be built on in each subsequent lesson.

    Lessons 1-10

    Lesson 1 - Talking about the Weather

    Lesson 2 - Still talking about the weather

    Lesson 3 - Describing physical characteristics

    Lesson 4 - More physical characteristics

    Lesson 5 - Where is she?

    Lesson 6 - Where are they?

    Lesson 7 - Describing locations

    Lesson 8 - Forms of transport

    Lesson 9 - The Garda

    Lesson 10 - Food, glorious food!

    See in detail what’s covered in lessons 1-10 here >>


    Lessons 11-20

    Lesson 11 - Who is...?

    Lesson 12 - Food basics

    Lesson 13 - On the...

    Lesson 14 - More verbs...

    Lesson 15 - Cutlery and Crockery

    Lesson 16 - The past tense and even more verbs...

    Lesson 17 - More than one...

    Lesson 18 - In a...

    Lesson 19 - Animals

    Lesson 20 - Numbers and telling the time

    See in detail what’s covered in lessons 11-20 here >>


    Lessons 21-30 – detailed content 

    Lesson 21 - Counting money from 1 to 6

    Lesson 22 - Clothing

    Lesson 23 - Past tense verbs

    Lesson 24 - Negative past tense verbs

    Lesson 25 - Telling the Time

    Lesson 26 - Questions

    Lesson 27 - At school and more past tense verbs*

    Lesson 28 - More negative past tense verbs*

    Lesson 29 - Questions at school

    Lesson 30 - Counting money from 7 to 12 

    See in detail what’s covered in lessons 21-30 here >>


    Lessons 31-40 – detailed content 

    Lesson 31 - Directions 

    Lesson 32 - More basic foods

    Lesson 33 - More clothing

    Lesson 34 - Everyday objects

    Lesson 35 - Counting money from 11 to 16

    Lesson 36 - And even more verbs...

    Lesson 37 - Can you...?

    Lesson 38 - Under the...

    Lesson 39 - Removing clothing

    Lesson 40 - Counting money from 17 to 40

    See in detail what’s covered in lessons 31-40 here >>


    Lessons 41-50 – detailed content 

    Lesson 41 - Relatives

    Lesson 42 - Professions

    Lesson 43 - Servings at the dinner table

    Lesson 44 - Visiting places

    Lesson 45 - Age – from 50 to 100 years old!

    Lesson 46 - I must

    Lesson 47 - Crops and seasons

    Lesson 48 - Out of...

    Lesson 49 - Tell your mother...

    Lesson 50 - I see, I think, I believe and I understand.

    See in detail what’s covered in lessons 41-50 here >>


    Lessons 51-60 – detailed content 

    Lesson 51 - I think he's not...

    Lesson 52 - Detective work

    Lesson 53 - More food...mmmm...

    Lesson 54 - Without any...

    Lesson 55 - Different kinds of money

    Lesson 56 - To be or not to be...

    Lesson 57 - From

    Lesson 58 - Didn't you see...?

    Lesson 59 - Putting up with the weather

    Lesson 60 - Directions of the compass



    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 10 comments
  • Buntús Cainte - Lessons 1-10 List

    Lesson One - Talking about the weather

    The weather is often a topic of conversation in Ireland. Probably because we usually have 5 different types of weather before breakfast! 

    In lesson one you’ll learn how to use basic adjectives like hot and cold and the phrase it is to comment on the weather.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and her friend Cáit and find out what they think of the weather today...


    Lesson Two – Still talking about the weather

    We really can’t say enough about the weather! This lesson expands on the vocabulary you learnt in Lesson 1 so you can talk at greater length about what’s going on outside!

    You’ll learn more basic adjectives like good and bad and the phrase it is not to comment on the weather.


    Listen to a conversation between Nóra and her friend Cáit and see if the weather has improved any today...

    Lesson Three - Describing physical characteristics

    In this lesson you’ll learn adjectives that describe the physical characteristics of people, whether they're tall or small, young or old, or well or sick.   

    You’ll also learn the phrases he is and he is not so that you can put sentences together and join in the gossip when it starts!



    Listen to a conversation between Nóra and her friend Cáit and find out what has happened to Seán...

    Lesson Four – More physical characteristics

    In this lesson you’ll learn more adjectives that describe people, whether they're strong or weak, fat or thin.   

    You’ll learn the phrases I am and I am not so you can describe yourself, as well as you are and you are not, so you can describe others. 


    Test your vocabulary by listening to a roleplay with Nóra chatting to her neighbour Séamas who is rather peculiarly dressed...

    Lesson Five – Where is she?

    In this lesson you'll learn common words that describe location such as here, there, inside, outside, above and below.  Then you'll accompany a nice young man who's on the lookout for love! 

    You’ll learn how to say she is and she is not, as well as how to ask questions such as is she?


    Listen to a chat between Nóra and Seán and find out where  Máire has got to...


    Lesson Six – Where are they?

    In this lesson we'll try to find more people.  They all seem to have gone missing! 

    You'll learn words to describe different kinds of people; man, woman, boy, girl, mammy and daddy.  Then you'll learn the words to ask where are they? 


    Listen to a conversation between Pádraig and Máire and find out where  everyone has disappeared to...

    Lesson Seven – Describing locations

    In this lesson you'll learn how to describe location, so if you are looking for someone you'll be able to find out where they are, whether they're at home, in the kitchen, in the bed or in the school.  

    You'll put these new words together with the verbs you've already learned to make sentences.  


    Séamas has dropped into the house looking for Pádraig and Nóra, but he may get more than he bargained for...

    Lesson Eight – Forms of transport

    In this lesson you'll learn how talk about different types of transportation.  Whether you're travelling by plane, train or automobile, these are the words you'll need to know if you're travelling in Ireland.  

    You'll also learn generic words to describe people and things: words like anyone and anything always come in useful.


    Listen to a conversation at the station where Seán and Máire are waiting for their father to get off the train.  But what on earth has happened to Nóra and the car?


    Lesson Nine – The Garda

    In Irish the word for police officer is garda, and in Southern Ireland this is what everyone calls a police officer, even if they don't speak Irish!  So this word will definitely come in very handy.  

    As well as learning the words for police officer and teacher, in this lesson we'll also learn additional words to describe locations, like at the chapel and at the shop.


    Listen to a conversation between Pádraig and Seán and find out why Seán is on his own in the house...

    Lesson Ten – Food glorious food!

    Mmmm, delicious food.  It's always good to know the words to describe meals, especially if you're getting peckish!  

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe meals eaten at different times of the day, such as breakfast or lunch


    Pádraig has arrived at the school with a message for his children but he finds Seán alone in the playground.  Where has everyone gone?

    Go back to main lesson list >>


    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 1 comment
  • Buntús Cainte - Lessons 11-20 List

    Lesson Eleven – Who is that?

    If you are inquisitive like the people in this lesson you'll definitely want to know the word for who? as well as who is? Then you can get as nosey as you like and ask all sorts of questions about other people.


    Listen to a conversation between Nóra and Seán for you to test your knowledge. Has Seán deserted his post as babysitter?


    Lesson Twelve – Food basics

    In this lesson you'll learn the words to describe different kinds of food staples, like bread, butter, milk and tea. Then you'll be able to ask for what you want at the dinner table. .


    Can Máire set the table to Nóra's satisfaction?

    Lesson Thirteen – On the...

    In this lesson you'll learn the word for on so that you can describe different kinds of situations, such as on the bus, on the road or on the aeroplane. You'll be able to ask where people are with the words for isn't he? and aren't they? .


    Listen to a conversation between Seán and Nóra and find out what unusual use Seán has found for the newspaper...

    Lesson Fourteen – More verbs!

    In this lesson you'll learn new verbs to describe actions, such as dancing, talking, working and learning. You'll then be able to put them into sentences to describe the actions of other people. .


    Find out why Máire is late home from school...

    Lesson Fifteen – Cutlery and Crockery

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe the cutlery and crockery in your home, whether it is a knife, fork and spoon, or a plate, cup and saucer.


    Listen to a conversation with Seán and Máire about table manners. Can they behave themselves and gain Nóra's approval?

    Lesson Sixteen – And even more verbs!

    In this lesson you'll learn new verbs to describe actions, such as eating, drinking, running and playing. You'll also learn how to use these verbs when talking about the past, by learning how to say he was and they were.


    Nóra is waiting for Seán to arrive home so she can serve the dinners together. Where is he and what has he been doing?

    Lesson Seventeen – More than one

    In this lesson you'll learn how to describe people in the plural. You'll be able to talk about the boys, the girls, the children and the teachers. You'll also learn how talk about negatives by learning the words for he wasn't and they weren't.


    Seán has some exciting news about his day at school...what could it be?

    Lesson Eighteen – In a...

    In this lesson you'll learn the word for in so that you'll be able to describe different kinds of situations, such as in a bus, in a train or in an aeroplane. You'll be able to put together questions asking where people are with the words for wasn't he? and weren't they?


    Seán has just been to the shop to buy food, but Nóra wants to hear whether her friend Cáit the shopkeeper has got over her recent illness. Will Seán have good news for her?

    Lesson Nineteen – Animals

    In this lesson you'll learn the words for different animals, such as cat, dog, cow and sheep. You'll also learn the words for there and how to ask where was he?


    Find out why Máire is so late back from the shop...

    Lesson Twenty – Numbers and telling the time

    In this lesson you'll learn how to count numbers from 1 to 6 and how to tell the time. You'll also learn the words for clock and how to ask what time is it?


    Listen to a conversation between Nóra and Pádraig and find out why Nóra is so annoyed...

    Go back to main lesson list >>



    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 1 comment
  • Buntús Cainte - Lessons 21-30 List

    Lesson Twenty One – Counting money from 1 to 6*

    In this lesson you'll learn how to count money. You'll learn how to count in pounds and pence as well as how to ask how much something is and how to say it costs...



    At the end of the listen you'll listen to a roleplay in the shop between Nóra and Cáit. What will Nóra buy?

    *The content of this lesson has been slightly modified from the original 1967 version of Buntús Cainte and deals with currency in pounds and pence, rather than Euros. This currency is still relevant for Irish speakers in Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Talk Irish is in the process of creating a new lesson which deals with currency in Euros which will be made available for free on the Talk Irish website.

    Lesson Twenty Two - Clothing

    In this lesson you'll learn how to describe different items of clothing, whether it be dresses, socks and hats or coats, trousers and caps.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit and find out why Nóra is secretly so pleased with herself...

    Lesson Twenty Three – Past tense verbs

    In this lesson you'll learn take some of the verbs you learnt in Lessons Fourteen and Sixteen and put them into the past tense. Learn how to say he came, he walked, he leaped and he fell.

    You'll also learn the words for in, out and homewards so that you can describe where someone is going to.



    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay in the house between Nóra and Seán. Seán is feeling lonely, what has happened to Daddy and Máire?

    Lesson Twenty Four – Negative past tense verbs

    Now that you've learned how to create past tense verbs you can learn how to create them in the negative. Using the verbs from the last chapter you'll learn how to say he didn't come, he didn't walk, he didn't leap and he didn't fall.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Pádraig and find out where their children have disappeared to and why the house is so quiet...

    Lesson Twenty Five – Telling the time

    This lesson builds on what you learnt in Chapter Twenty. You'll learn how to count from 7 to 12 and how to tell the time. You'll also learn how to ask what time did he come? as well as being able to answer this question.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Seán. Seán has been out late the night before, will he get into trouble with his mother?


    Lesson Twenty Six – Questions

    In this lesson you'll learn how to ask simple questions by putting the word ar in front of the sentence. You'll also learn how to ask a question in the negative by using the word nár.


    At the end of this lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Cáit down at the pub where Cáit works as a barmaid. Pádraig is curious to find out where his friend Micheál is tonight, will Cáit know what has happened to him?

    Lesson Twenty Seven – At school and more past tense verbs

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe school activities. You'll learn the word for lessons and past tense verbs such as said, did, saw and heard.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Seán. Seán has been to the shop to buy something for Pádraig and himself, find out what has he bought...

    Lesson Twenty Eight – More negative past tense verbs

    In this lesson you'll learn how to put negative verbs into the past tense, as well as the words for it and that. You'll be able to talk about what someone is not doing, whether they didn't see, didn't hear or didn't do.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig, Nóra and Seán who are all on the lookout for Pádraig's missing pipe. Will they be able to find it?


    Lesson Twenty Nine – Questions at school

    In this lesson you'll learn the words for all, any and some, as well as being able to ask questions using verbs so you'll be able to keep a close eye on everything your friends are up to.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Cáit who are talking about the storm last night. Find out if they are ok and what has happened to Seamus...

    Lesson Thirty – Counting money from 7 to 12*

    This lesson extends your ability to talk about money. You’ll learn how to count from 7 to 12 as well as how to ask how much did you give for it? and how to reply to this question.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit who are busy discussing their friend Máirín’s new purchase. What has she bought...?

    *The content of this lesson has been slightly modified from the original 1967 version of Buntús Cainte and deals with currency in pounds and pence, rather than Euros. This currency is still relevant for Irish speakers in Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Talk Irish is in the process of creating a new lesson which deals with currency in Euros which will be made available for free on the Talk Irish website.

    Go back to main lesson list >>


    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 1 comment
  • Buntús Cainte - Lessons 31-40 List

    Lesson Thirty One - Directions

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe directions, whether it is up or down or in or out. You'll also learn the verb to go, so you can say did they go? didn’t they go? and they went, then you’ll really be able to keep track of your friends!


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit at the post office. Nóra has letters to post and thinks she might be late. Will she make it in time...?


    Lesson Thirty Two – More Basic Foods

    In this lesson you'll revise basic foods such as milk, bread and butter and learn new ones like jam. You'll learn the verb to put, so you can say I put, I didn't put, and did you put?


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Máire. Nóra makes sure that Máire has done the odd jobs before sending her off to bed. But what has happened to the cat and dog...?

    Lesson Thirty Three – More clothing

    In this lesson you'll learn words for different items of clothing such as shirt, socks, shoes and coat. You'll also learn how to talk about putting these items of clothing on.



    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Máire. Nóra is surprised to find Seán's coat on the table and asks Máire where he has got to. What is he up to and does Máire know...?

    Lesson Thirty Four – Everyday objects

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe other everyday items, such as chair, money, cigarette and match. You'll also learn the verb to have so that you can talk about what you have or haven't got.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Nóra who are talking in the living room. Pádraig has run out of cigarettes and is looking for Seán to go to the shop for some. Will he be able to find him...?

    Lesson Thirty Five – Counting money from 11 to 16

    In this lesson you'll learn to count from 11 to 16 as well as how to talk about money. You'll revise the verb to give and put it all together so you'll be able to talk about what you've bought when you're shopping and how much it cost!


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit. Nóra is admiring Cáit's new coat, but does she really like it and was it really a bargain...?


    Lesson Thirty Six – And even more verbs...

    In this lesson you'll learn new verbs that describe actions such as to stay, to walk and to go away. You'll also learn how to say I can and I cannot, so you'll be able to describe the actions you're able to do.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Cáit and Pádraig down at the pub. Pádraig's friend Mícheál isn't down at the pub tonight, Cáit wonders where he is. Will Pádraig know what has happened to him...?

    Lesson Thirty Seven – Can you...?

    In this lesson you'll add the word it to some of the verbs you already know so that you can say to see it, to do it and to get it. You'll also learn how to ask can you and can't you?


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Séamas who meet each other while they're out and about. Pádraig hasn't seen Séamas for a long time because he's been ill. Has his health improved at all...?

    Lesson Thirty Eight – Under the...

    In this lesson you'll learn the word for under as well as words to describe different items of furniture such as dresser, stool, press and table.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Nóra. Pádraig has mislaid his pipe again. Will Nóra come to the rescue...?


    Lesson Thirty Nine – Removing Clothing

    In this lesson you'll revise some of the words you've learnt for clothing, such as shoes, socks and hat, as well as learning new words such as jacket, overcoat and scarf. You'll learn the verbs to take and to throw as well as putting these with the phrase off him to make to take off and to throw off. Good to know if you are planning on getting undressed in a hurry!


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Pádraig. Pádraig has arrived home from work on a wet evening and his clothes are soaking. How does he manage to get dry...?

    Lesson Forty – Counting money from 17 to 40

    In this lesson you'll learn how to count from 17 to 20 and the numbers 30 and 40. You'll see a man go shopping and find out what he buys and how much it costs.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Séamas who have met on the street. What form of transportation has Pádraig just bought and what does Séamas have to say about it?

    Go back to main lesson list >>


    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 1 comment
  • Buntús Cainte - Lessons 41-50 List

    Lesson Forty One – Relatives

    In this lesson you'll learn how to describe members of your family, such as brother, sister, uncle and aunt. You'll learn how to say he had, they had and had you? so you can ask about different members of the family.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Cáit who are talking about a strange man who has appeared out of nowhere. Who is he and what is he doing here?


    Lesson Forty Two – Professions

    In this lesson you'll learn words to talk about different professions, such as doctor, dentist, nurse and shopkeeper. You'll learn how to say would you like? I would like and I wouldn't like so you can talk about what you'd like to be when you grow up!


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Cáit and Nóra. Cáit would love to go to the cinema tonight, but will she be able to...?

    Lesson Forty Three – Servings at the dinner table

    In this lesson you'll learn how to talk about crockery at the dinner table. You'll learn new verbs to show, to get and to give so you'll be able to ask people to pass you items at the table. You'll also learn the word for a piece so you can ask for servings of your favourite foods.



    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit. Cáit has called in to see Nóra for afternoon tea. But what is wrong with the cake?

    Lesson Forty Four – Visiting places

    In this lesson you'll learn words to say you are going to somewhere with phrases like to the school, to the chapel, to the house, to the town and to the shop. You'll also learn how to ask did they go? didn't they go? as well as how to say they went and they didn't go.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Seán. Pádraig is about to go to the station and invites Seán to go with him. Can you figure out why Pádraig wants to go?

    Lesson Forty Five – Age - from 50 to 100 years old!

    In this lesson you'll learn how to talk about someone who is aged between 50 and 100! You'll learn how to talk about age, and how to say how old someone is in years.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Cáit and Nóra. Cáit and Nóra are talking about Úna Mháire, who was at the dance last night. It's lucky she can't hear them! What do you think they're saying...?


    Lesson Forty Six – I must

    In this lesson you'll learn how to talk about things that you must do. You'll also learn the verbs to read and to write. You'll see a boy who must do things he doesn't want to, like schoolwork, taking medicine and fetching the coal. Oh dear! I hope he finds something he wants to do soon!


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Pádraig in the house. Nóra is very unhappy with her coat. Can you figure out why? And what does Pádraig have to say about it all?

    Lesson Forty Seven – Crops and seasons

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe the seasons. You'll also learn to talk about crops such as oats, wheat and potatoes being sown as well as when they being reaped. And you'll learn the words for done, spent, gone away and broken.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Séamas. Pádraig meets Séamas under unusual circumstances. What is going on and what do they talk about?

    Lesson Forty Eight – Out of...

    In this lesson you'll learn words to talk about the direction that someone is going in. You'll learn how to say out of the house, out of the garden and out of the park. You'll also learn the verb to go, so you can say he is going, he went and did he go?


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Seán. Pádraig is doing an odd job outside the house. What he is doing, and will he allow Seán to help?


    Lesson Forty Nine – Tell your mother...

    In this lesson you'll learn the verb to tell. You'll learn new words such as milkman and postman and you'll watch a young boy try to find someone to play with. Will he have any success? Everyone is palming him off with phrases like tell your father to do it or tell your mother to do it. Oh dear! I hope he finds someone to play with soon.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Seán. Nóra is asking Seán where his sister has got to. Why does Nóra want her to come inside and does Seán know where she is?

    Lesson Fifty – I see, I think, I believe and I understand.

    In this lesson you'll learn how to say I see, I think, I believe and I understand. You'll revise the words for broken, made, spent and gone, and then you'll put them all together in sentences.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Nóra. Pádraig has been outside working in the garden all day and he comes inside looking for refreshment. Will he be able to find anything to drink in the house?

    Go back to main lesson list >>


    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 0 comment
  • Buntús Cainte - Lessons 51-60 List

    Lesson Fifty One – I think he's not...

    In this lesson you'll revise the words for coming, going off, staying, listening and working, and learn the word for looking. You'll use the verb to think from the last lesson and put everything together into sentences to make phrases like I think he's not coming and I think he's not listening.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Nóra. Pádraig is asking Nóra about his friend Peadar who he hasn't seen for a long time. Does Nóra know where he has been and what has happened to him?


    Lesson Fifty Two – Detective work

    In this lesson you'll learn verbs which will help with detective work! You'll learn how to say I know, I suppose, I don't suppose and perhaps.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Cáit and Nóra. Cáit meets Nóra on the street and they are talking about their friend Bríd. Why wasn't she at the dance last night, and where might she have gone?

    Lesson Fifty Three – More food...mmmm

    In this lesson you'll learn new words to describe different food and drinks, such as cake, soup, coffee and cocoa.

    You'll also revise the verb to make, saying he made and he didn't make as well as asking did he make? and didn't he make?


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Séamas. Pádraig and Séamas are outside talking about their gardens again. One of them has been working very hard, and the other has not. Who has been busy and what excuse does the other one have for not doing anything at all?

    Lesson Fifty Four – Without any...

    In this lesson you'll learn the word for without. You'll see a series of characters returning home from shopping having forgotten something essential. You'll learn how to say without any fish, without any meat and without any eggs.

    You'll also revise the verb to come in both present and past tenses. You'll be able to say he is coming and he was coming as well as asking did he come? and didn't he come?


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Nóra. Pádraig has just come home from shopping and Nóra is keen to know where his purchases are. What could have happened to them?

    Lesson Fifty Five – Different kinds of money

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe different forms of money, including the pay, the rent, the cheque and the bill

    You'll also revise the verb to give in both present and past tenses. You'll be able to say he is giving it and he was giving it, as well as asking did he give? and didn't he give?


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Nóra. Pádraig needs to give Nóra some money for the housekeeping this week, and he seems rather reluctant to part with it. Is Pádraig telling the truth and why is Nóra so hot under the collar?


    Lesson Fifty Six – To be or not to be...

    In this lesson you'll go over the words for today, yesterday, now and again.

    You'll also revise the verb to be so you can talk in the present and in the past saying he is and he was, as well as asking is he? and was he?


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit. Nóra meets Cáit in the street and enquires after one of her relatives. Who is she asking about and what is wrong with them?

    Lesson Fifty Seven - From

    In this lesson you'll learn the word for from and how to ask who you got things from, whether it's from the doctor, from the nurse or from the farmer. You'll also learn new words like tailor and shoemaker.


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Máire. Nóra needs Máire to go to the shop to get some messages, but she has forgotten something! What has she forgotten and who might be able to help?

    Lesson Fifty Eight – Didn't you see...?

    In this lesson you'll revise the words for me, you, him, her, us and them. You'll also revise words to describe directions such as here, there, inside, outside, above and below.

    You'll also revise the verb to see so you can say I see, I didn't see and I saw as well as how to ask did you see? and didn't you see?


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Máire and Nóra. Máire has been having great fun climbing on the tree in the garden and she tells her mother about it. Does Nóra approve, and what does she warn her about?


    Lesson Fifty Nine – Putting up with the weather

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe the weather in the present and past tense. You'll be able to say it is raining as well as it rained.

    You'll also learn the verb to put so you can say he is putting and he was putting as well as how to ask did he put? and didn't he put?


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Máire. Nóra has just finished the washing and wants to hang it out to dry, but Máire thinks she should wait. What do they talk about and why can't Nóra hang out the clothes?

    Lesson Sixty – Directions of the compass

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe compass directions such as north, south, east and west. You'll revise the verb to go off so you can ask did he go off? and didn't he go off?


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Pádraig. Nóra thinks that someone in the area may not be well. Why does she think this, and does Pádraig know who it may be?

    Go back to main lesson list >>


    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 0 comment
  • History of Buntús Cainte – the best-selling Irish Course

    Buntús Cainte - Television Series

    Buntús Cainte (Basic Speaking) was a lively and humorous television programme first broadcast in 1967 by Radio Telefís Éireann (RTÉ) in Ireland (view a clip here)

    The programme was written by Tomás Ó Domhnalláin. He wanted to teach conversational Irish to complete beginners as a living language, and without repetitive grammar. In the programme, presenters repeated phrases in both Irish and English, and viewers were shown funny cartoons illustrating the meaning. The TV programme was a huge success.

    Buntús Cainte - Booklet and Vinyl record

    The TV series was accompanied by a booklet and vinyl records. By November 1967, 218,000 copies of the Buntús Cainte lessons booklet had been sold - a massive success.


    Buntús Cainte - Book Series

    Buntús Cainte was published in a series of three books. The books include the original cartons, the English and Irish text, and the audio on CD. Each lesson contains new words, basic sentences for each of the new words, revisionary sentences, a second section of new material and a situational conversation.


    Buntús Cainte - MP3 and Online Courses

    Buntús Cainte is the most successful course in Irish ever, and despite its vintage, is in continual demand. We’ve use the original audio and text to create two brand-new versions of this course for the tech-savvy modern learner:

    >> Buntús Cainte MP3 course

    >> Buntús Cainte online interactive course

    The MP3 course enables learners from anywhere in the world to purchase and download Buntús Cainte to an iPod, iPhone or iPad. Then they can learn Irish wherever they are - on the bus, in a plane or at the beach!


    The beautifully redesigned interactive online course expands each lesson into a full half hour of learning, with gorgeous illustrations, interactive quizzes and roleplays to engage the learner and supporting grammar notes.

    We're really proud and excited to bring this amazing course to an audience of learners right across the globe. Why not try the MP3 or online course right now? You can try the first lesson of each for free!

    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 3 comments
  • Buntús Cainte - MP3 Course - Learning Method

    You can use Buntús Cainte in any way you want to help you learn Irish. However, each lesson is designed to be completed one day at a time. You should study at your own pace. A lesson might take you five minutes, or it might take you a couple of hours.

    New words and phrases

    The first part of the recording introduces you to new material. You should listen to this two or three times to get familiar with the words and phrases.

    Next, listen to the first part of the recording once or twice more. This time, pause after each word or phrase and try to repeat the Irish aloud.

    You should now be able to understand the basic sentences following the new material.

    Basic sentences

    Listen to the basic sentences a few times. You should be able to understand and use these sentences now.

    When you’re confident, you can listen to and repeat the revision sentences.

    It's a really good idea to try and mix the sentences up, to see if you can make  your own.

    Additional dialogue

    The course contains some additional vocabulary which is used in the dialogue. You can pause the audio to review this text. Then you can listen to the dialogue.

    Roleplay dialogue

    Listen the whole way through the dialogue first. Make sure you understand most or all of the meaning.

    Then listen to the audio and repeat the Irish until you’re sure you’ve mastered the conversation.

    Starting the next lesson

    The next day, before you start a new lesson, it’s a good idea to review the previous day’s dialogue. You might need to listen to the whole lesson to revise the vocabulary.

    Published Wed, Aug 31 2011 by michelle - 1 comment
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