About Us

Talk Irish is a social learning network founded in April 2008. Learners, speakers and teachers of Irish all over the world get together here to learn, share and teach Irish. If you want more information about what we do, email eolas@talkirish.com.

www.talkirish.com is supported by the Creative Industries Innovation Fund. We are proud to acknowledge their support as our key funder. We've also received grant and other support from the amazing people in these organisations: UnLtd, Social Entrepreneurs Ireland, Ultach, and Invest NI (through the Transform programme).

Want to know who we are? Meet the people who've put everything together.

Michelle Gallen
Social entrepreneur, Irish language lover and learner, Michelle's the creative genius and driving force behind Talk Irish. She's an e-learning geek – check out her blog at www.searchfindlearn.com.

Seán Ó Durois
Irish language educational consultant and generous volunteer, Seán brought much of the Focal an Lae service to life. Seán's also a graduate of the MA in Modern Irish Translation Studies, QUB.

Mehdi El Gueddari
Mehdi's not from Ireland. In fact, we're pretty sure there's no Irish blood at all in our French-Moroccan software engineer. Mehdi might not be fluent in Irish, but he is fluent in C#, XML, HTML and CSS - and these are the languages that bring you Talk Irish.

Ceara Ní Choinn
Ceara's a Belfast-based Irish language producer and presenter who has worked extensively for RTÉ, BBC and TG4. Ceara's the voice behind the Focal an Lae.

Dónall Mac Giolla Choíll
County Donegal and a man of many talents - actor, writer, editor, translator and journalist. Dónall's also worked with BBC NI and Raidió na Gaeltachta on many productions. He's the voice behind the Seanfhocal an Lae.

Talk Irish - supported by Social Entrepreneurs Ireland, Ultach, UnLtd, Invest NI, ACNI
Learn Irish with Talk Irish, 117a Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 1SH, N Ireland
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