• Buntús Cainte - Lessons 31-40 List

    Lesson Thirty One - Directions

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe directions, whether it is up or down or in or out. You'll also learn the verb to go, so you can say did they go? didn’t they go? and they went, then you’ll really be able to keep track of your friends!


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit at the post office. Nóra has letters to post and thinks she might be late. Will she make it in time...?


    Lesson Thirty Two – More Basic Foods

    In this lesson you'll revise basic foods such as milk, bread and butter and learn new ones like jam. You'll learn the verb to put, so you can say I put, I didn't put, and did you put?


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Máire. Nóra makes sure that Máire has done the odd jobs before sending her off to bed. But what has happened to the cat and dog...?

    Lesson Thirty Three – More clothing

    In this lesson you'll learn words for different items of clothing such as shirt, socks, shoes and coat. You'll also learn how to talk about putting these items of clothing on.



    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Máire. Nóra is surprised to find Seán's coat on the table and asks Máire where he has got to. What is he up to and does Máire know...?

    Lesson Thirty Four – Everyday objects

    In this lesson you'll learn words to describe other everyday items, such as chair, money, cigarette and match. You'll also learn the verb to have so that you can talk about what you have or haven't got.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Nóra who are talking in the living room. Pádraig has run out of cigarettes and is looking for Seán to go to the shop for some. Will he be able to find him...?

    Lesson Thirty Five – Counting money from 11 to 16

    In this lesson you'll learn to count from 11 to 16 as well as how to talk about money. You'll revise the verb to give and put it all together so you'll be able to talk about what you've bought when you're shopping and how much it cost!


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit. Nóra is admiring Cáit's new coat, but does she really like it and was it really a bargain...?


    Lesson Thirty Six – And even more verbs...

    In this lesson you'll learn new verbs that describe actions such as to stay, to walk and to go away. You'll also learn how to say I can and I cannot, so you'll be able to describe the actions you're able to do.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Cáit and Pádraig down at the pub. Pádraig's friend Mícheál isn't down at the pub tonight, Cáit wonders where he is. Will Pádraig know what has happened to him...?

    Lesson Thirty Seven – Can you...?

    In this lesson you'll add the word it to some of the verbs you already know so that you can say to see it, to do it and to get it. You'll also learn how to ask can you and can't you?


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Séamas who meet each other while they're out and about. Pádraig hasn't seen Séamas for a long time because he's been ill. Has his health improved at all...?

    Lesson Thirty Eight – Under the...

    In this lesson you'll learn the word for under as well as words to describe different items of furniture such as dresser, stool, press and table.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Nóra. Pádraig has mislaid his pipe again. Will Nóra come to the rescue...?


    Lesson Thirty Nine – Removing Clothing

    In this lesson you'll revise some of the words you've learnt for clothing, such as shoes, socks and hat, as well as learning new words such as jacket, overcoat and scarf. You'll learn the verbs to take and to throw as well as putting these with the phrase off him to make to take off and to throw off. Good to know if you are planning on getting undressed in a hurry!


    At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Pádraig. Pádraig has arrived home from work on a wet evening and his clothes are soaking. How does he manage to get dry...?

    Lesson Forty – Counting money from 17 to 40

    In this lesson you'll learn how to count from 17 to 20 and the numbers 30 and 40. You'll see a man go shopping and find out what he buys and how much it costs.


    At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Séamas who have met on the street. What form of transportation has Pádraig just bought and what does Séamas have to say about it?

    Go back to main lesson list >>


    Posted Aug 31 2011


    Talk Irish wrote Talk Irish
    on Wed, Aug 31 2011 18:30

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