Lesson Twenty One – Counting money from 1 to 6*
In this lesson you'll learn how to count money. You'll learn how to count in pounds and pence as well as how to ask how much something is and how to say it costs...
At the end of the listen you'll listen to a roleplay in the shop between Nóra and Cáit. What will Nóra buy?
*The content of this lesson has been slightly modified from the original 1967 version of Buntús Cainte and deals with currency in pounds and pence, rather than Euros. This currency is still relevant for Irish speakers in Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Talk Irish is in the process of creating a new lesson which deals with currency in Euros which will be made available for free on the Talk Irish website.
Lesson Twenty Two - Clothing
In this lesson you'll learn how to describe different items of clothing, whether it be dresses, socks and hats or coats, trousers and caps.
At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit and find out why Nóra is secretly so pleased with herself...
Lesson Twenty Three – Past tense verbs
In this lesson you'll learn take some of the verbs you learnt in Lessons Fourteen and Sixteen and put them into the past tense. Learn how to say he came, he walked, he leaped and he fell.
You'll also learn the words for in, out and homewards so that you can describe where someone is going to.
At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay in the house between Nóra and Seán. Seán is feeling lonely, what has happened to Daddy and Máire?
Lesson Twenty Four – Negative past tense verbs
Now that you've learned how to create past tense verbs you can learn how to create them in the negative. Using the verbs from the last chapter you'll learn how to say he didn't come, he didn't walk, he didn't leap and he didn't fall.
At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Pádraig and find out where their children have disappeared to and why the house is so quiet...
Lesson Twenty Five – Telling the time
This lesson builds on what you learnt in Chapter Twenty. You'll learn how to count from 7 to 12 and how to tell the time. You'll also learn how to ask what time did he come? as well as being able to answer this question.
At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Nóra and Seán. Seán has been out late the night before, will he get into trouble with his mother?
Lesson Twenty Six – Questions
In this lesson you'll learn how to ask simple questions by putting the word ar in front of the sentence. You'll also learn how to ask a question in the negative by using the word nár.
At the end of this lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig and Cáit down at the pub where Cáit works as a barmaid. Pádraig is curious to find out where his friend Micheál is tonight, will Cáit know what has happened to him?
Lesson Twenty Seven – At school and more past tense verbs
In this lesson you'll learn words to describe school activities. You'll learn the word for lessons and past tense verbs such as said, did, saw and heard.
At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Seán. Seán has been to the shop to buy something for Pádraig and himself, find out what has he bought...
Lesson Twenty Eight – More negative past tense verbs
In this lesson you'll learn how to put negative verbs into the past tense, as well as the words for it and that. You'll be able to talk about what someone is not doing, whether they didn't see, didn't hear or didn't do.
At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Pádraig, Nóra and Seán who are all on the lookout for Pádraig's missing pipe. Will they be able to find it?
Lesson Twenty Nine – Questions at school
In this lesson you'll learn the words for all, any and some, as well as being able to ask questions using verbs so you'll be able to keep a close eye on everything your friends are up to.
At the end of the lesson you'll listen to a roleplay between Pádraig and Cáit who are talking about the storm last night. Find out if they are ok and what has happened to Seamus...
Lesson Thirty – Counting money from 7 to 12*
This lesson extends your ability to talk about money. You’ll learn how to count from 7 to 12 as well as how to ask how much did you give for it? and how to reply to this question.
At the end of the lesson you'll hear a roleplay between Nóra and Cáit who are busy discussing their friend Máirín’s new purchase. What has she bought...?
*The content of this lesson has been slightly modified from the original 1967 version of Buntús Cainte and deals with currency in pounds and pence, rather than Euros. This currency is still relevant for Irish speakers in Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Talk Irish is in the process of creating a new lesson which deals with currency in Euros which will be made available for free on the Talk Irish website.
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