• History of Buntús Cainte – the best-selling Irish Course

    Buntús Cainte - Television Series

    Buntús Cainte (Basic Speaking) was a lively and humorous television programme first broadcast in 1967 by Radio Telefís Éireann (RTÉ) in Ireland (view a clip here)

    The programme was written by Tomás Ó Domhnalláin. He wanted to teach conversational Irish to complete beginners as a living language, and without repetitive grammar. In the programme, presenters repeated phrases in both Irish and English, and viewers were shown funny cartoons illustrating the meaning. The TV programme was a huge success.

    Buntús Cainte - Booklet and Vinyl record

    The TV series was accompanied by a booklet and vinyl records. By November 1967, 218,000 copies of the Buntús Cainte lessons booklet had been sold - a massive success.


    Buntús Cainte - Book Series

    Buntús Cainte was published in a series of three books. The books include the original cartons, the English and Irish text, and the audio on CD. Each lesson contains new words, basic sentences for each of the new words, revisionary sentences, a second section of new material and a situational conversation.


    Buntús Cainte - MP3 and Online Courses

    Buntús Cainte is the most successful course in Irish ever, and despite its vintage, is in continual demand. We’ve use the original audio and text to create two brand-new versions of this course for the tech-savvy modern learner:

    >> Buntús Cainte MP3 course

    >> Buntús Cainte online interactive course

    The MP3 course enables learners from anywhere in the world to purchase and download Buntús Cainte to an iPod, iPhone or iPad. Then they can learn Irish wherever they are - on the bus, in a plane or at the beach!


    The beautifully redesigned interactive online course expands each lesson into a full half hour of learning, with gorgeous illustrations, interactive quizzes and roleplays to engage the learner and supporting grammar notes.

    We're really proud and excited to bring this amazing course to an audience of learners right across the globe. Why not try the MP3 or online course right now? You can try the first lesson of each for free!

    Posted Aug 31 2011


    Daveat168 wrote re: History of Buntús Cainte – the best-selling Irish Course
    on Wed, Nov 9 2011 0:02

    I have retypeset the first book in the series, correcting some of the errors, and giving better english translations of some of the word, printing to pdf, and incorporating the sound files, cut into small parts to fit the text. The resulting work, I have donated to An Gúm, who authorised the work, so that Irish might be easier learned.

    ddw100 wrote re: History of Buntús Cainte – the best-selling Irish Course
    on Sat, Nov 26 2011 4:05

    Is it free?  If so, could you tell me where to find it?

    Irish Gaelic Apps wrote Irish Gaelic Apps
    on Wed, Dec 26 2012 15:05

    Pingback from  Irish Gaelic Apps

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