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Hi everybody, I have this five-year-old recording from an Irish radio and I'll be immensely grateful to whoever helps me understand what the song title is or at least what the speaker and the song say. I've tried searching for something on youtube and google, but I can't even define which...
I am trying to tanslate "live a little" into irish gaelic. I found beo beag/beag beo which I know is incorrect. I also found Bain beagán spraoi/suilt as an saol. which means ' Get a little fun/enjoyment out of life'. Could anyone confirm or deny this or have any other sayings...
Hi there, I'd like to get a short prayer translated, but I don't trust Google translator. Hoping to get clarification for an accurate translation! "May my thoughts be Thy thoughts May my words be Thy words May my desires be Thy desires" This is the google translation - I substituted...
I'm thinking of getting the proverb "When death comes he won't leave empty-handed" tattooed in Irish. I know that in Irish it uses the relative form which isn't found in the Caighdeán. I'm wondering which is the more correct way of spelling it, the two options I've...
leabhar na rúin - book of secrets leabhar na gcrann - book of trees leabhar de ghaois - book of wisdom leabhar an-áthas - book of joy An bhfuil siad ceart? Go raibh maith agat!
Someone I know is creating a memorial for the women in his family and would very much like a translation for the inscription. Since this will be permanently incribed he wants to be certain that this is grammatically correct and would prefer modern Irish. Here is the phrase: Dedicated to the women warriors...
Hi I am looking for the correct Irish word meaning to oppose or withstand a force. I have been told a few different words, 'friotaíocht' - resistance 'frithbheartaíocht' - resistance 'seasamh' - to take a stand 'síochánta' - I thought this meant...
I visited Ireland for the first time a few months ago and loved it, I'm trying to make a piece of jewelry for a friend and need an Irish translation, but don't want to rely on Google. Could someone please translate "Wait for love" into Irish? Thank you so much!
Hello, I'm working on translating a phrase from English to Irish but my level isn't high enough so I've tried using a couple different translators online... would love some help! The phrase I'm trying to translate is: I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. I imagine...
Hello, all. I wrote to the talkirish folks requesting help translating a word, and was directed to the forums. I already have the translation, but where my concern lies is in the Masculine or Feminine connotation of the word. I'm trying to step properly here and not make an embarrassing error. So...