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I'm thinking of getting the proverb "When death comes he won't leave empty-handed" tattooed in Irish. I know that in Irish it uses the relative form which isn't found in the Caighdeán. I'm wondering which is the more correct way of spelling it, the two options I've...
In response to a learner request in our survey, I've just created and uploaded a new resource - our 365 Irish proverbs in a PDF. Free to copy, print, share, download. We've also included the PDF as part of the Proverb a Day album download - and we've...
Printable with all 365 daily proverbs - free to print, share, photocopy etc - just make sure you keep our branding intact.
Hi, I'm new to your site, and I'm doing some research on oral/internet transmission Irish proverbs for a chapter of my dissertation/thesis. First of all, I was wondering if there was any way I could view seanfhocal-an-lae posts by topic/hash tag re: subject/meaning as opposed to date, and second...
Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae: Today's Proverb is: Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile. Click here to download this audio file Seo ciall an tseanfhocail: The translation or meaning is: One beetle recognises another beetle. (It takes one to know one.) An bhfuil a mhalairt de thuairim...
Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae: Today's Proverb is: Ag duine féin is fearr a fhios cá luíonn an bhróg air. Click here to download this audio file Seo ciall an tseanfhocail: The translation or meaning is: A person best knows where the shoe troubles him. An bhfuil a mhalairt...
Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae: Today's Proverb is: Is fearr rith maith ná drochsheasamh. Click here to download this audio file Seo ciall an tseanfhocail: The translation or meaning is: Better a good run than a bad standing (Discretion is the better part of valour). An bhfuil a mhalairt...
Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae: Today's Proverb is: Is fusa duine a ghortú ná a leigheas. Click here to download this audio file Seo ciall an tseanfhocail: The translation or meaning is: It’s easier to hurt someone than to heal them. An bhfuil a mhalairt de thuairim agat maidir...
Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae: Today's Proverb is: Trí ghalar gan náire: grá, tochas agus tart. . Click here to download this audio file Seo ciall an tseanfhocail: The translation or meaning is: Three diseases without shame: love, an itch and thirst. An bhfuil a mhalairt...
Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae: Today's Proverb is: Níl saoi gan locht ná daoi gan tréith. Click here to download this audio file Seo ciall an tseanfhocail: The translation or meaning is: There is no wise man without a fault nor any fool without a good feature. An bhfuil a...