Seanfhocal an lae - Irish Proverb A Day

In amanna, bíonn foghlaimeoirí in amhras faoi sheanfhocail. Nach clichéanna iad? a déarfaidh siad. Cad chuige a mbeinn ag iarraidh clichéanna a fhoghlaim? Bhal, ar an chéad dul síos, bíonn cuid acu galánta. Tá eagna chinn agus fírinne iontu. Léiríonn siad meon an phobail a chruthaigh an Ghaeilge thar na glúnta. Is féidir leis an fhoghlaimeoir a lán focal úsáideach agus a lán struchtúr gramadaí a fhoghlaim uathu. Bain triail as na seanfhocail seo. Deirtear nach milleann dea-fhocal fiacail, agus is dea-fhocail iad na seanfhocail! Is féidir leat na closáin a íoslódáil chuig do ríomhaire pearsanta, iPod nó guthán póca agus cleachtadh a dhéanamh as líne.
Sometime learners are suspicious of proverbs. Aren’t they clichés, they say. Why would I want to learn clichés? Well, firstly, some of them are beautiful. They contain wisdom and truth. They reveal the mind-set of the people who created the Irish language over the generations. The learner can acquire a lot of useful words and grammatical structures from them. Give these proverbs a try. They say that a good word won’t rot your teeth, and these proverbs are good words! You can download the audio to your PC, iPod or mobile phone so you can practice offline.
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