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Hello! I came to this website because I am making a visual Novel set in Dublin. I wanted to make it in Ireland, because the language is really pretty, and I'm Half-Irish, so I though that this would be a nice shout-out to the language. I want to make it as accurate as possible too. So if anyone would...
I'm having trouble with pronouncing. Everything!!!! I've a mid western accent , but with a slight American South undertone. I don't know how to talk with a good accent either. I can imitate Gerry Adams in English proficiently. Are there any exercises I could do?!?!? Could you help me?!?!...
Hello I'm slowly learning the basics of the language and would appreciate some help with something random; I want to pronounce "It was snowing and now it is cold" I have "Bhi se ag cur sneachta agus tá sé fuar anois". I'm wondering if this is correct and; If...
I assume you are listening to the pronunciations of the sounds in the lessons and in the daily emails. To round it out, go to TG4 ( ) and watch some shows in Irish. That will give you a feel for the language. On TG4, they go too fast to be an effective...
Ná habair é! (Don't mention it!) Anyway, as I have said here before, the facial expression you use when you speak a language actually influences how good your accent is. A French speaker uses the facial muscles in a very different way from an English speaker, or a Yiddish speaker, or...
The word for prophet is fáidh. I don't know if you are in Ireland, but if you imagine someone from a country area of Tyrone or Derry saying "aye" (a New Englander or a Newfoundlander would probably do, come to think of it) and then stick an f in front of it, that's close enough...
A chairde, How do you pronounce the word for Prophet, in Irish? Go raibh maith agat, Gearóid
When I grow up LOL I want to be a writer. I've checked a lot of sites but I am having a hard time finding a no Irish speaking childs word for Grandpa and Grandma???? Can you help? Jody
Hi and fáilte chuig Labhair Gaeilge (welcome to Talk Irish)! Listening to the Seanachie (storyteller) sounds like an amazing wonder you want to learn more! What book are you reading? If you'd like some help in pronouncing the words, maybe you could start a new post with the book's...