The word for prophet is fáidh. I don't know if you are in Ireland, but
if you imagine someone from a country area of Tyrone or Derry
saying "aye" (a New Englander or a Newfoundlander would probably do,
come to think of it) and then stick an f in front of it, that's close
enough. Fie as in fee, fie, fo, fum is also pretty close. If you lenite
it, the f becomes completely silent, so in the phrase "ag an fháidh"
(at the prophet) it will be pronounced aye. In the plural it's fáithe,
pronounced fie-ha. What's known as a broad f (that's an f with an a, an
o or a u next to it) will often have a slight w- sound after it, so you
might hear it as something like fwie/fwie-ha.