Need Help. How would you say a Courageous Dancing Fox?

Latest post Fri, Jun 10 2016 16:47 by Dale D. 3 replies.
  • Thu, Jun 9 2016 17:42

    Need Help. How would you say a Courageous Dancing Fox?

    I have reciently received my Irish Dance Certification and would like to have a creative name for my school. There are schools with the name an sionnach. I was thinking something like Misneach Sionnach Damhsa. I don't know anything about gramer and wanted some advice before purchasing licensing. Let me know your thoughs?

    • Post Points: 36
  • Fri, Jun 10 2016 8:59 In reply to

    • Dale D
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Need Help. How would you say a Courageous Dancing Fox?

    Haigh, thedancingirish.

    Misneach = courage, which is a noun; what you want is the adjective form "courageous" which is "misniúil".

    In Irish, adjectives generally follow the noun they modify, so "Sionnach Misniúil" would be "a courageous fox.

    So I would tentatively render it "An Sionnach Misniúil Damhsa" The Courageous Dancing Fox.

    There is another term for "fox" -- "madra rua", literally "red-haired dog" but it is a term used in literature for fox.  It might be a bit more cumbersome to use in this case, and you may not have in mind a red-haired fox, but rather a grey fox or whatever other variety, but just in case you are interested....

    Disclaimer:  I am not a native Irish speaker, and consider myself a learner, so I may be mistaken.  I would advise you to wait a bit and see if anyone else confirms my construct before using it for an official licensing purchase.


    Dale D

    • Post Points: 5
  • Fri, Jun 10 2016 12:29 In reply to

    Re: Need Help. How would you say a Courageous Dancing Fox?

    Thank you so much that is very helpful. I am excited to include language in my school, but it will be a long journey as I still need to grow myself.


    I had seen the "madra rua"  and I love the symbology of a red fox. I wasn't sure it would be a good version of fox to use since I see it associated with pubs and a news journal.


    Go raibh maith agat,

    Natasha H

    • Post Points: 5
  • Fri, Jun 10 2016 16:47 In reply to

    • Dale D
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Need Help. How would you say a Courageous Dancing Fox?

    Fáilte romhat, a Natasha!

    The only place I had seen "madra rua" employed, in my limited experience, was in the book "An Prionsa Beag" (The Little Prince), translated by Breandán Ó Doibhlin.  The "fox" is a pivotal character in that story, and I had seen the term previously.  I was not aware of the alternative term "sionnach" until your inquiry, so we have both learned from each other!  Of course, that's what this forum is all about....


    Dale D

    • Post Points: 5
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