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Hello, New user here. So this is a strange question, I know, but I’m wondering how one would translate a phrase such as: “happy Patrick’s house of pancakes”. It seems like the “house of pancakes” forms its own genitive phrase, but how does this get differentiated from...
I have reciently received my Irish Dance Certification and would like to have a creative name for my school. There are schools with the name an sionnach. I was thinking something like Misneach Sionnach Damhsa. I don't know anything about gramer and wanted some advice before purchasing licensing....
Mo chéad dán i nGaeilge . It is two points of view, thinking about the same (unexplained) event. Could people help me get the grammar and spelling right? And suggest anything to make it better? Sáimhín Só Chuir sí a mallact air. Diurt mé sin é,...
Hi there! I'd be grateful for some advice. I'm working on a project compiling information about many of the gods, goddesses, heroes and fairies of Irish, Scottish and Manx folklore and I'm looking for a reliable reference book to refer to for the spellings of their names. With so many variations...
Hey guys I was hoping someone could help me translate this, I've been searching for ages and been getting different answers these are the most that come up; Is fhearr fheuchainn na bhith san duil. se nios fearr go iarracht na go dochas. and for short; Is fearr iarracht na dochas. could someone please...