Hello, Paddy16.
I hope I can help a little with this, although some differences exist with the various dialects, and if you're imitating Gerry Adams, you're likely imitating the northern or Ulster accent. That may or may not influence the dialect you want to learn. To start with, though, I wouldn't worry so much about any specific dialect.
I am in no way discounting or discouraging the use of the TalkIrish forum and other resources. The MP3 course they offer, or the online course, both use the recordings from Buntús Cainte, and they are quite helpful in learing pronunciaton. To a limited degree, the Daily Irish and Dictionary utilities on this site are also useful when they provide recordings for their various entries, so they are worth a listen.
However, there is another Irish learning site that has some useful information and drills for practicing pronunciation that is not based on audio recordings. You may be interested in checking it out: http://www.irishpage.com/irishpeople/index.htm
The lessons follow quite a different construct, as you can imagine, from Buntús Cainte, but they move forward in a similar fashion. Each of the lessons seem to have a bit larger scope than those of Buntús Cainte as well. There are a total of 125 lessons on the website.
Dale D