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I'm having trouble with pronouncing. Everything!!!! I've a mid western accent , but with a slight American South undertone. I don't know how to talk with a good accent either. I can imitate Gerry Adams in English proficiently. Are there any exercises I could do?!?!? Could you help me?!?!...
I have recently moved to Ireland, and am beginning to learn Irish. I am living in Limerick, so I assume the dialect I would learn would be muster. However, I am hoping to teach in a Primary school eventaully and I thing that An Caighdeán, is used. I am looking for a pen pal! Hopefully someone...
I did the L Cert many years ago so my irish is a little rusty. Ba maith liom feabhas a chuir ar mo chuid Gaeilge. Ni raibh a dheanamh agam ach an gnath cursa ins and Ardteist. Istocha go bhfuil nios mo suim agam a bheith ag caint gaeilge, ach ta suim agam dul chun chinn ar an gaeilge scriofa co maith...