Dale D:
I tried the Ctrl+Alt+letter and it didn't work for me. There must be something to the post where someone said the keyboard needs to be set up for Irish. I guess I'll have to stick with the Alt+keypad for now....
Dale D.
I have links to instructions for setting up the language bar on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7:
- Windows XP --This doesn't have screenshots, so I can take some if anyone is confused -- I have XP myself.
- Windows Vista -- This is a PDF with screenshots.
- Windows 7 -- This is a tutorial targeted to Japanese students, but the basic set-up is the same for selecting Irish. On Step 3, just choose the Irish keyboard rather than the Japanese that's instructed. Screenshots are included. I think just up to Step 3 is what you'll need; Japanese is a more complicated language, so you can ignore the rest of the instructions since it does not apply to Irish.
The Alt+Keypad codes are still important to know and memorize. For instance, for those times you may borrow a friend's computer or use a public computer.
Remember that the keyboards of Ireland are not set up the same as American keyboards! So as you're typing with the Irish selected, you may click your quotation key for quotes (for example), but the @ symbol will appear. That's ok; you can find a picture of an Irish keyboard layout to work around that, or you can easily switch back to American set-up by pressing Alt+Shift (that's how you scroll through your languages -- easy, quick and painless!). Please let me know if I am unclear anywhere. I'll be glad to help through PMs.