• Baineann www.talkirish.com duais d’Fhiontraithe Sóisialta

Bronnadh Duais d’Fhiontraithe Sóisialta ar www.talkirish.com ar na mallaibh.  Ba í an tUachtarán Máire Nic Giolla Íosa an t-aoi speisialta a bhronn duaiseanna ar Michelle Gallen ó www.talkirish.com agus ar tríocha fiontraí sóisialta eile ag searmanas sa Mhalartán, seanmhalartán oibre i Sráid Gardiner i mBaile Átha Cliath, atá díreach i ndiaidh a athchóirithe.


Faigheann Duaiseanna  Sóisialta na hÉireann tacaíocht ó NTR agus tá breis agus €3.44 milliún bronnta acu ar níos mó ná 142 duine agus eagraíocht a bhain feidhm as a smaointe nuálaíocha leis an athrú sóisialta a bhrú chun tosaigh in Éirinn. 

    www.talkirish.com wins Social Entrepreneurs Ireland award

    www.talkirish.com was recently honoured with a Social Entrepreneurs award. Guest of Honour, President Mary McAleese, presented Michelle Gallen of www.talkirish.com and thirty other social entrepreneurs with their awards at a ceremony in The Exchange, the newly renovated former Labour Exchange on Dublin’s Gardiner Street.


The Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Awards are supported by NTR and have disbursed over €3.44 million to over 142 people and organisations who have brought their innovative ideas to drive social change in Ireland.

    Posted Oct 19 2009
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