• Talk Irish Launch

    Well, we had our launch in An Chultúrlann on Saturday and it went very well. Aodán Mac Póilin from Ultach said a few dea-fhocail about us, then I blethered on for a while, talking everyone through what we've got on the site, and what we've got planned.

    We've had lots of press coverage too, with mention in the Sunday Business Post, the Irish Echo, the Strabane Chronicle and others. And I've been embarrassing myself with a few radio interviews (I'm not giving you links to those!).

    Here are some of the stories I've found online - if you find any more (or if you blog about us) be sure to let us know.

    Silicon Republic

    Sunday Business Post

    An Druma Mór

    Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies

    Education Matters

    The Next Women

    Brandon Hall

    Posted Mar 17 2009
    Filed under:


    Gearoid Ó Duinn wrote re: Talk Irish Launch
    on Thu, Mar 19 2009 8:25

    Bhí píosa san Irish Post inniu. Maith thú!


    michelle wrote re: Talk Irish Launch
    on Thu, Mar 19 2009 9:04

    Ní fhaca mé é. An bhfuil sé ar líne?

    I didn't see it. Is it online?

    Gearoid Ó Duinn wrote re: Talk Irish Launch
    on Thu, Mar 19 2009 12:23

    Féach ar www.irishpost.co.uk.

    Léigh mé sa pháipéar é.

    Rory Broughal1 wrote re: Talk Irish Launch
    on Fri, Mar 20 2009 18:20

    Hi Michelle. Can you make things a bit more advanced on the site like putting up simple texts to translate each day getting harder and harder. I'm Irish but I'm terrible at speaking. I can speak basic and the stuff on the site is good but I'd love to get the chance to rehearse a text of medium difficulty each day. Cheers  

    Seaghán Ó Murchú wrote re: Talk Irish Launch
    on Tue, Mar 24 2009 17:25

    Is maith liom "Labhairt Gaeilge"! Scríobh mé inniu faoi an suíomh seo! Chuir mé sé inne.

    Tá mé foghlaimeoir fásta i gCathair na hÁingeal i gCalifoirnea. Feicfidh tú naisc eile agamsa ar mo bhlog "Blogtrotter" go Amazon US: "Listmania: Learning Irish Gaelic." An féidir leat ag feicéail eolas eile ansiud?

    Go raibh maith agaibh agus ádh mór ort-- a chairde i mBéal Feirste agus ar fud an domhan.


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