Irish Proverb 266 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 266

Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae:

Today's Proverb is:

Is fada an bóthar nach bhfuil aon chasadh ann.

Seo ciall an tseanfhocail:

The translation or meaning is:

 It’s a long road that has no turning.
(Your luck will change).

An bhfuil a mhalairt de thuairim agat maidir le ciall an tseanfhocail seo, nó ar mhaith leat an t-aistriúchán s’agatsa a roinnt linn? Déan caint ar seo thíos.

Got a different idea on what this proverb means or want to share your own translation? Comment below. 


Posted Nov 21 2016


Dale D wrote re: Irish Proverb 266 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 266
on Mon, Nov 21 2011 19:39

This expression shows some marked differences between English and Irish, but I'm wondering if some of them might be the choices of the translator?

"It's a long road that has no turning" from "Is fada an bóthar nach bhfuil aon chasadh ann."  The first thing that strikes me is the use of the definite article in the Irish "Is fada an bothar" and the indefinite article in English "It's a long road...."  Why not translate it "The road is long that has no turning" to incorporate the definite article employed?  Just curious if there's a reason for it, or if it's just the judgement and/or preference of the translator?

Dale D.

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