Irish Proverb 62 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 62

Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae:

Today's Proverb is:

Galar gan náire an tart.

Seo ciall an tseanfhocail:

The translation or meaning is:

Thirst is a shameless disease.

An bhfuil a mhalairt de thuairim agat maidir le ciall an tseanfhocail seo, nó ar mhaith leat an t-aistriúchán s’agatsa a roinnt linn? Déan caint ar seo thíos.

Got a different idea on what this proverb means or want to share your own translation? Comment below. 


Posted May 01 2015


eddbyrne wrote re: Irish Proverb 62 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 62
on Sat, May 1 2010 6:52

obviously composed by a drinkin' man

Dale D wrote re: Irish Proverb 62 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 62
on Tue, May 1 2012 16:47

...or one who never heard of water (uisge)!

W.C Fields would say:  "Water?!  Never touch the stuff...."

Dale D

AnastasiaVi wrote re: Irish Proverb 62 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 62
on Tue, May 1 2012 19:11

I really can't say for sure, but let me guess. Thirst is a natural need of any person. So the meaning is - everything that's natural shouldn't be punished.  I wonder if I'm close to the real things)))

seano wrote re: Irish Proverb 62 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 62
on Wed, May 2 2012 12:01

Hi folks! Yes, I think it's definitely about alcoholism rather than any other kind of thirst. Personally I think it is better to "fanacht i mbun na measarthachta le gach aon rud" - stay within the limits of moderation with all things. Not that I always follow my own advice ... I'm very untrustworthy!

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