Irish Proverb 201 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 201

Is é seo Seanfhocal an Lae:

Today's Proverb is:

An lao ite i mbolg na bó.

Seo ciall an tseanfhocail:

The translation or meaning is:

Money spent before it is earned.
(Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.)

An bhfuil a mhalairt de thuairim agat maidir le ciall an tseanfhocail seo, nó ar mhaith leat an t-aistriúchán s’agatsa a roinnt linn? Déan caint ar seo thíos.

Got a different idea on what this proverb means or want to share your own translation? Comment below. 


Posted Sep 17 2014


seano wrote re: Irish Proverb 201 - Seanfhocail Ghaeilge 201
on Wed, Sep 18 2013 19:09

Haigh, This is quite a strange one. It literally means 'The calf eaten in the cow's stomach'. What this means is, that the cow is carrying the calf and you are already making plans to sell it or use the meat or milk it! In other words, as the translation says, it really means to spend money you haven't had yet, or to use resources which are not certain yet. Incidentally, lao was formerly the name for a calf all over Ireland, but in Ulster it's nearly always gamhain these days rather than lao. Hope this clears it up!

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