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Buchanan Group are looking for testimonial talent aged 30-60 for a commercial which will advertise a heartburn and indigestion relief product. The product is from a well-known healthcare brand, available at most pharmacies and supermarkets. We are looking for real-life UK(IRISH) sufferers of heartburn...
Check out the series of 5 fantastic video interviews with local Irish talent in our video gallery! Interviews include: The talented Éamonn Ó Catháin (@culabula) answering Na Ceithre Ceist - Four Questions Seacht Actor Neasa Ní Chunaigh...
Neasa Ní Chunaigh - Saol an Aisteora - An Actor's Life
Dónall Mac Giolla Chóill talks about the importance of the Irish language.
Irish language poet, author and academic Seán Ó Dúrois explains how he fell in love with the Irish language after coming to Ireland to study English literature! He recites his children's poem Liam na Sopóige.
A spooky video, full of púca and fright!