Check out the series of 5 fantastic video interviews with local Irish talent in our video gallery! Interviews include:
The talented Éamonn Ó Catháin (@culabula)
answering Na Ceithre Ceist - Four Questions
Seacht Actor Neasa Ní Chunaigh describing Saol an Aisteora - An
Actor's Life
Presenter, actor and editor Dónall Mac Giolla Chóill discussing Tábhacht Na Gaeilge - The Importance of Irish
Poet and academic Seán Ó Dúrois talking about Mé féin, an
Ghaeilge agus an fhilíocht – himself, the Irish language and poetry.
Irish language teacher Elaine Ní Bhraonáin describes her life in Nua
Eabhrac, Nua Eabhrac
Is fearr dhá theanga ná ceann amháin…