What I love about Talkirish.com is that:
1-The learner hears the word pronounced. No other learning source is so complete in this way.
2-The learner hears the word used with the article and in a sentence (invaluable!). This makes it usable.
3-It is a GREAT companion tool to folks learning Irish. Multiple people can build vocabulary simultaneously, so they have a common data base of knowledge.
I am referring it to everyone interested in Irish so we can all start talking.
4-The pictures with the word are so cute! (Only Michelle is cuter) The pictures are wonderful and help the learning process! I see them in my mind when I say the word.
What I'd like to see:
1-More varied usages of verbs in the sentences so we could learn verb vocabulary. This could be used with common thoughts such as: I wish that.....
I need......, Do you want........., Do you need........... This would complete the site so that a person could truly learn written and spoken Irish on the site.
2-A Game that would give flash cards with ALL of the words in the 365 data base so we could spend time reviewing in an easier way. Flash cards could
also include a "verb thougts". The verbal thoughts are so key to speaking a language that they would complete the site. The site could benefit by having about
30 of the most commonly used verbs/predicate thoughts. Many predicate thoughts in Irish are expressed with the approx 120 (I think) prepositional pronouns.
This site has been the centerpiece of the Irish I've learned thus far. Michelle has created a huge contribution to the preservation and promotion of the Irish language.
I cannot say enough good about it. Is iontach brea sin! A Mhichelle, go raibh mile maith agat! Faber