Your message came through to me on email - but doesn't show up on the site, so I've posted it below:
I have been learning Welsh online for about 2 months now and am
totally amazed at the results from using this particular course, it's
not just me everybody and I mean everybody on the course is stunned how
well it works. It's free and run by a bunch of language enthusiasts for
nothing more than a love for their language. I'm mentioning that here
because I would love to see their method being used for Irish. It.s
based on learning key words and patterns and repitition repetition.. I
will post a link to the website so if you want you can check out the
method, or just get a few ideas. Their method really works
fantastically and it would be brilliant to see this for Irish. Thanks
very much by the way for the great work your doing here. http://www.saysomethinginwelsh.com/home/
Totally delighted you've been loving this site and that you've forwarded it to me - I'm so keen to try it out. I agree with the comments that people have made about learning from other language resources, like the BBC - or for me - Rosetta Stone. These shiny packages look great, but don't work.
I'm also learning French - a language with loads of resources - but I struggled until I found the Michel Thomas method. It works very naturally and easily, and it seems to have something in common with the website you've suggested. I'm going to take a good look at it now, and see if we can do something similar here.
Go raibh maith agat,
Is fearr dhá theanga ná ceann amháin…