Mary, a chara.
Seo cupla nasc dhuit. Tá súil a'm go mbeidh siad ina gcuidiú leat.
Cora Cainte (Idioms)
Cónaisc (Conjunctions)
Foclóirí (Dictionaries)
I think...
I find...
In my opinion...
I forget...
Agus tuilleadh de mhaoil mo mhainge fhéin...
De mhaoil mo mhainge fhéin / off the top of my head, off my own back, on my own initiative
Chomh fada le mo bharúil fhéin / In my opinion, as far as I know, as far as I'm concerned etc.
Chomh fada le me bharúilse / In my opinion, as far as I know, as far as I'm concerned etc.
Ar feadh mo bharúla / In my opinion
Níl tuairim na ngrást agam / I haven't a notion, haven't a clue etc.
Ar na bacáin / On the cards, in the pipeline, on the horizon
Sin a chloch is lú ar mo phaidrín / That's the least fo my concerns, least of my worries
Sin a chloch is mó ar mo phaidrín / That's my main concern
Tá mo bholg thiar ar mo dhroim ag an ocras / I'm famished
Tá mo chuid putógaí ag ithe a chéile le hocras / I'm famished
Níl mé basctha anois ar chor ar bith / I'm not bad now at all, I'm grand etc.
Níl aon chaill orm / I'm not bad, I'm grand etc.
Bhí a dhóthain farraige faoi / He was plenty drunk
Bhí sé ina chaora le ól / He was very drunk
D'ólfadh sé an Chroch Chéasta den asal / He's well able to drink (He'd drink the the cross (Cross of the Crucifixion) off a donkey's back)
Uair sa naoi dtráth / Once in a blue moon
Tá an deabhal (diabhal) déanta anois / There'll be trouble now, the shite has hit the fan etc.
Thug mé an deabhal le n-ithe dhó / I gave him hell, gave him a good talking to etc.
Tá galra cabach air / He's loose lipped, can't keep a secret
Ní féídir hata bán a rá leis / He's awful touchy, can't say boo to him, can't say a word to him without him starting an argument
Tá codladh gé air / He's pretending to sleep
Codladh na headra / Sleep late, lie-in (literally, sleeping until the late-morning milking)
Ceochodladh / Lightsleep
Tá marú madadh d'airgead aige / He's loaded (with money)
Tá lán carr asail aige d'airgead / He's loaded (has an ass cart full of money, or anything else for that matter, to express plenty)
Ní fiú tráithnín é / It's worthless
Hata bán a chur ar dhuine / To impoverish someone, ruin someone
Tá mé bánaithe / I'm cleaned out, broke, no money
Tá talamh faoi / He has a high opinion of himself
Tá port na bhfiacal agam (ag an bhfuacht) / My teeth are chattering (from the cold)
Ná hinis do do láimh dheas é / Keep it to yourself, don't tell a soul
Tá sé chomh sleamhain le punt ime / He's a slippery character, not to be trusted (slippery as a pound of butter)
Ag cur ime ar a chuid aráin fhéin atá sé / He's looking out for number one (buttering his own bread)
Eisteacht na heasóige a bheith agat / To have sharp hearing
Tá siad ar aon rópa amháin / They're workin g together, pulling together
Tá an saol ina dheabhal (dhiabhal) / Life's a *** (an then you die)!
Tá an saol ina chadás / What's the world coming to, the world is going to hell (in a hand basket), going pear-shaped etc.
Tá saol na bhfuíoll agat, shílfeá / Looks like you have the life, like a pig in clover, living in the lap of luxury etc.
To say 'it was (very) helpful', I'd probably say 'ba mhór an cuidíu liom é' nó 'bhí sé ina chuidiú mór liom'.
In speech, you might round that off with a bail ó Dhia ort!
Bhi sé ina chuidiú mór liom, bail ó Dhia ort!
Go n-éirí leat!