I know what you mean. Between college, work, and other things, I have been heaped with things to do and rarely have the time to actually stick to the lessons I have been going through.
For myself, this summer, I am dedicating at least a half hour to an hour a day of studying the language materials that I have and listening to Irish music and watching TG4. I don't know how easy that would be for you, but I am using any of the time that I would have been using watching television (though admittedly, this is rare), purusing on the internet for recreational purposes, or just lounging around to learn Irish and studying the lesson I set up for that week (I am outlining everything in a planner). I am also planning to start putting post-it notes all over the apartment that I will be moving into this Thursday, labeling all the various things so that I think of those objects in Irish rather than in translation (which might drive my roomate nuts, but he'll get used to it and maybe even learn a thing or two). I also have various things on my computer and on the internet in Irish (Facebook, tips and words sent to my e-mail, Firefox as Gaeilge, ect.), so that it is basically everywhere. An attempt at immersion, I suppose you could say, at least to the extent that it possible here in the U.S. I would also like to attend one of the Irish immersion weeks that are held here in the U.S. and Canada should I have the time and/or money.
I don't know how much use the above is to you, but maybe you could try a thing or two. =)
Go raibh maith agat as do chineál fáilte roimh chách! (forgive me if I butchered that, I welcome any corrections.)