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I'm pretty sure that you just hit the Alt+gr key (which is one key) plus the letter you want a fada over, and you get it. I'm on my Mac right now, so this is from memory - but if you're on your PC go on give it a go! It's as simple as using the Shift key plus a letter to get a capital...
You can type a fada quickly and easily on an iPhone or iPad. Simply k eep your finger pressed on the letter you need to use a fada with. Your iPhone or iPad will display the extended keyboard, which gives you lots of options to choose from: iOS lets you install and use a number of different keyboards...
Maith thú! Here's how to type a fada on PC And here's the instructions for typing a fada on a Mac Ádh mór ort, Michelle
How to type a fada on a PC: How to type a fada on Mac OS:
Amanda, try this to make fada's á : ALT + 0225 é : ALT + 0233 í : ALT + 0237 ó : ALT + 0243 ú : ALT + 0250 Á : ALT + 0193 É : ALT + 0201 Í : ALT + 0205 Ó : ALT + 0211 Ú : ALT + 0218 For other ways see
Tora, a chara, Fáilte chuig Labhair Gaeilge! I hope you find it useful. I'm glad you like the word a day service I've done a couple of posts on writing a fada on a mac or a pc, so have a read and if they work out for you, let us know. How to type a fada on a PC
If you use a Mac, you can hold down the Option key and type ‘e’. An accent will appear without a letter. You can now type the vowel you need. If you need a capital letter, hold down the Shift key. Examples Opt + E , u = ú Opt + E , Shift + u = Ú Let us know if these work out...