As far as I know Clare had its own seperate dialect. Not Conamara nor Munster. It was a mixture of the two, but more closely related to Conamara Irish. The closest you can find today is the Irish spoken on Inis Oírr.
Just a suggestion - I am that, thou art that, all this is but that. Is mise é, is tusa é, níl anseo ach é.
This is how I would say in in Conamara - https://www.box.com/s/x8npgx6qmw7qmv09gbpi Sorry Seano but I can't do the Ulster one properly.
Tóg folcadán.
The film is a great adaption of the book (Cré na Cille). Well worth watching.
More like - Mac Dáibhéid mock-DAW-vayd
Possibly just - Inis dom na seanscéalta. Tell me the legends. - When you use "legend" you already know it's from long ago. So anyting else added is superfluous.
The power within me is greater than any fear before me. Tá an neart atá ionam níos treise ná aon fhaitíos atá amach romham. Don't go tattooing that without it being discussed and confirmed.
"I'll see you in heaven David" Feicfidh mé sna flaitheas thú a David.