
  • Re: Bealoideas

    I would use Banríon Oileán an Uaignis and Tubaiste an Domhain or Tubaiste an tSaoil. Without knowing the exact context it's hard to tell. There is a poem which has the phrase ar ámharaí an tsaoil tslim, which means something like by a stroke of dire misfortune. Sorry not to have posted much recently - I have had a bit
    Posted to General (Forum) by seano on Thu, Dec 24 2015
  • Re: Pronunciation in Ulster dialect

    Hi, The problem is that Graham is basically a Scottish or English (borders) name which was then used to cover a number of Irish names. My understanding has always been that Ó Gréacháin is the most common translation of the name in Irish. The version you've given can't be accurate because there is always a fada (accent) on
    Posted to General (Forum) by seano on Thu, Dec 24 2015
  • Re: Past perfect tense ???

    One that sticks in my memory is the phrase 'verily I say unto you', which was rendered as 'is fíor atá, agus is fíor mo rá'. It's full of beautiful, idiomatic expressions and as you say, the rhythm and the music of the language is paramount in it. I knew that he had Greek but I didn't know about the
  • Re: Fáilte/Welcome

    Fáilte isteach, a Dhaithí! Thuig mé gach aon rud. Maíth thú. Bí cúramach leis an struchtúr atá mar an gcéanna le 'have' i mBéarla. Tá beirt iníonacha agam, Caitlín agus Aoife an leagan ceart. D'úsáid tú sin le Gaeilge -
    Posted to General (Forum) by seano on Thu, Sep 3 2015
  • Re: Whistling Eels

    Ná habair é, a Tony! I am just wondering if, insofar as the eel in question is a real animal, could it be based on the conger eel? The conger can be a scary and unpleasant looking customer and it's usually grey. However, I've no evidence it whistles. If you need any help or advice in your researches, let me know. Also, I think
    Posted to General (Forum) by seano on Tue, Sep 1 2015
  • Re: Whistling Eels

    Hi, This is a really interesting question and one I would like to know more about myself. I think there is a lot of research waiting to be done on certain aspects of Irish folklore. I can’t give you much information but you can look up the relevant entry for glas in Ó Dónaill’s Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla at the website
    Posted to General (Forum) by seano on Mon, Aug 31 2015
  • Re: Tarzan film

    It wouldn't surprise me, though I've never heard of it. It reminds me of Blazing Saddles, where the Indians all speak Yiddish! :-)
    Posted to General (Forum) by seano on Sun, Aug 30 2015
  • Re: Leanbh Nua

    Go hiontach! :)
    Posted to General (Forum) by seano on Sun, Aug 30 2015
  • Re: In need of translation

    I've had a go at translating the sentences above. Dale, good try but remember that there's a special 'that' form in Irish which needs to be used in case like this. He says that he's well is 'Deir sé go bhfuil sé go maith' not 'Deir sé tá sé go maith.' I've put in a few rhymes
  • Re: Whistling Eels

    Hi, Sorry to be late replying to this but there seems to be a native name for them, 'glas gaoithe'. The plural would be 'na glasa gaoithe'. Apparently this was anglicised as glasgeehy. They were also sometimes called dorrohow, which I am guessing is probably dobharchú, a name normally applied to the otter but also to a kind of
    Posted to General (Forum) by seano on Sun, Aug 30 2015
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