A Chaoimhín Tháinig mo leabhair nua agus tá siad iontach deas. The "Irish Grammar" basic handbook by Noel McGonagle has already made so much clear on so many aspects of the language inc Lenition, Eclipsis, Plural, Case and Tense.Where before I was learning parrot fashion now I am beginning to understand the structure and
Nil obair inniu mar tá sé ag stealladh sneachta Chonaic mé mo leabhar nua.Tá siad Speaking Irish DVD Edition de Siuan Ni Mhaonaigh and Antain Mac Lochlainn agus Irish Grammar A Basic Handbook de Noel McGonagle.
Bheul, mhí-ádh ar Lá Naomh steven.Bhi mé seachtain saoire agus bhi sé galanta le do thoil Rinne mé dearmad t-ainm Tá mé beidh abair tú cathain tá mé fuair siad
Kev, ar bhain tú sult as do nollag.Tá teacht dhá leabhar nua agam.Má tá siad go maith tá mé beidh abair tú. ádh mór ort
Fuair mé "Fear na noileán" DVD ó Litríocht agus bhi sé ar fheabhas
Celtic Dreamer, a word of support.I have been learning just under a year now and I wouldv'e been lost reading this thread when I started but I am now of a level where I can wade through these posts (with a little looking up of course).Stick with it and you'll look back at what you wrote and will laugh.There is nothing more rewarding than understanding
I agree with Redsetterme that the proverbs are a sure way of learning a range of vocab quickly.The Giota beag series incorperated a range of proverbs relevant to the stage of learning and I found these most useful as you tend to remember them very easily. Richard 1965, I have too noticed a difference in dialect whilst learning songs in Gaeilge.A traditional
Last January I started learning Gaeilge with "Giota Beag" and moved onto "Giota Beag Eile" (BBC NI), currently working my way through Liam O Maoinlai's "Learn Irish CD" free with the Irish Independent.I think the best thing for novices to do is chat with what they know under the the watchfull eye of fluent speakers
Ta ceist agam.Dúirt said "Foinse, nuachtán as an nua agus barr feabhais air!".An bhfuil sé "air" ar an "orm, ort, air, uirthi" Sláinte
Tuigim thú Máirtín, go raibh míle maith agat