
  • Re: Is there a text trannscription of the MP3 course?

    Oh my word, Dale D, you are made out of awesomeness. This course seems very accessible. I was so happy i nearly started singing. Sorry I don't yet have enough Irish to express my level of appreciation for the link but go raibhe maithe agat, a chara. Sorry, I know that was basic.
    Posted to Buntús Cainte learners (Forum) by thunderhead on Tue, Aug 13 2013
  • Is there a text trannscription of the MP3 course?

    Haigh. I just got the MP3 course offered on this site, but I'm visualy impaired, so I use a screen reader to access the computer. I looked at the online course, but it was flash-based, and so it didn't work at all with my screen reader, so I got the MP3 thinking it would be a course sorta like an audiobook. I hope this won't be too difficult
    Posted to Buntús Cainte learners (Forum) by thunderhead on Sat, Aug 10 2013
  • Re: Typing fadas in Windows (US keyboard)

    I live in the U.S., so it's just a regular alt key here. My friend who uses the same screen reader I do says I'll have to memorize the Ascii characters, and gave me the Jaws shortcut to do it.
    Posted to General (Forum) by thunderhead on Thu, Aug 1 2013
  • Re: Irish Speech Synthesizer for Computer

    To me the voice on isn't all that bad, but when you're blind screen readers are a part of life, so you get used to the robot voice where it would irritate a visual person. The screen reader trying to read the Irish words with English pronunciations is alternately irritating and hilarious, though. I'll contact the people at abair
    Posted to General (Forum) by thunderhead on Wed, Jul 31 2013
  • Irish Speech Synthesizer for Computer

    Does anyone know where I can find an Irish text to speech synthesizer to download? I'm almost totally blind, and I use a screen reader, which is a text to speech program that converts written text on a screen to speech. My screen reader has a lot of languages, but unfortunately Irish is not one of them. There is an English voice that has an Irish
    Posted to General (Forum) by thunderhead on Tue, Jul 23 2013
  • Re: Typing fadas in Windows (US keyboard)

    What is this alt + gr? Also, I'm not sure how well installing keyboards would work with my computer, as I'm visually impaired and use a screen reader. Does this mean I have to memorize the alt plus a bunch of numbers?
    Posted to General (Forum) by thunderhead on Thu, Jul 18 2013
  • Re: Fáilte/Welcome

    Hi there. I'm a definite newby, as in I only have a few words in Irish. I decided to learn the language because I've gotten into Celtic music really hard core, and I'd like to be able to sing along. Also, I've gotten hooked on listening to Radio na Gaeltachta and it would be nice to understand what the DJ's are saying. I'm from
    Posted to General (Forum) by thunderhead on Wed, Jul 17 2013
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