Is there a text trannscription of the MP3 course?

Latest post Tue, Aug 13 2013 20:30 by thunderhead. 2 replies.
  • Sat, Aug 10 2013 21:17

    Is there a text trannscription of the MP3 course?

    Haigh.  I just got the MP3 course offered on this site, but I'm visualy impaired, so I use a screen reader to access the computer.  I looked at the online course, but it was flash-based, and so it didn't work at all with my screen reader, so I got the MP3 thinking it would be a course sorta like an audiobook. 


    I hope this won't be too difficult, but is there any way I could get a text transcription of the lessons so I can read it as I'm listening?  If there isn't does anyone have a suggestion of an Irish course that would be accessible?  Go raibh maithe agat.

    • Post Points: 21
  • Mon, Aug 12 2013 16:56 In reply to

    • Dale D
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    Re: Is there a text trannscription of the MP3 course?

    Haigh, thunderhead,

    The Buntús Cainte course books are still available, insofar as I am aware, either through Gael Linn in Ireland, or I've seen copies available for purchase (with a wide range of prices) via Amazon.  That is one possible recourse.

    One other possible source for lessons is "The Irish People's Lessons" here:  These lessons seem quite good, they go step by step (although different steps from Buntús Cainte), and provide very good explanations for Irish idiomatic constructs.  The down side:  They do not offer audio support.  They have a fairly detailed explanation of pronunciation, so it may work for you, but if you need the audio support, it would be a major drawback.

    Slán leat!

    Dale D

    • Post Points: 5
  • Tue, Aug 13 2013 20:30 In reply to

    Re: Is there a text trannscription of the MP3 course?

    Oh my word, Dale D, you are made out of awesomeness.  This course seems very accessible.  I was so happy i nearly started singing.  Sorry I don't yet have enough Irish to express my level of appreciation for the link but go raibhe maithe agat, a chara.  Sorry, I know that was basic.

    • Post Points: 5
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