Unfortunately You are speaking Greek to me when mentioning things such as a 'UAC'...i would love to try and use Seans Eile but would need to know what to do to install before i could try. One good point in all of this is that Byki did work for me and not only have i learned more in the short time that i've had it than i ever learned with
unfortunately for me it does nothing...not even let me type the letter normally.It just sits there like i am doing nothing lol maybe its my keyboard...~shrugs~ i dont know..thanks though. Guess i will keep trying with the fada codes instead. Slán, Amanda
Brandon, I set the keyboard to Irish with the ability to switch back at will this morning when I first saw your message but I have noticed that even when I have it set for Irish when I use the apostophe key and vowel it still puts the apostrophe before the vowel or even changes the vowel to Upper case instead of adding a fada...is there something I
Dia Dhuit, Cáit, I use a Windows oriented Vista OS, so unfortunately I won't be able to use those wonderful hints you gave me but go raibh maith agat á Cianaigh! For the fada list..it works wonderfully. Cáit, I do not live in the midwest but there is a way we can contact each other.If you have the lastest version of MSN messenger
Please can anyone who has used it, tell me whether the Seans Eile is able to be used on a Vista compatible computer? That is my current OS and the site stated that they weren't sure if it would work or not. go raibh maith agat! Amanda
go raibh maith agat a Fand! (pardon any writing mistakes please for I have not learned how to add a fada in words with my Keyboard yet) I will definately go and check that out! I looked earlier this year at Books a Million but they had nothing whatsoever on Gaeilge...which is somewhat irritating so I will try Barnes and Noble. Unfortunately heritage
Go raibh maith agat! for your response. I will look into both of those suggestions, though to see TG4 may take a connection speed I dont have at the moment.Hopefully within the next couple months I will be able to rectify that however. Do You happen to know of any good, but inexpensive computer or cd additions that might be of some help? I've seen
I have been trying to learn Irish for several years now.Not only for myself but to teach my children, who all bear Irish names, in celebration of our Heritage.But I have found, living in America that there are very few if any avenues for learning the language, as our schools here subscribe to only 3 languages, German,Spanish and French. I looked into