Irish Identity gives Daibhéid for David. Sloinne gives Ó Ceallaigh for O'Killia. Is mise an naoú h iníon garpháiste de chuid Dhaibhéid Uí Cheallaigh "I am the ninth great-grand-daughter of David O'Killia" However, names are not normally translated, especially in legal circumstances,
I can only find O'Kelley on Sloinne. Ó Ceallaigh appears to be correct for that. Irish Identity gives David as Daibhéid . Is mise an naoú h iníon garpháiste de chuid Dhaibhéid Uí Cheallaigh. "I am the ninth great-grand-daughter of David O'Killia" But if you are talking legal terms, you
iníon garpháiste "great-grand-daughter" an naoú h iníon garpháiste "the ninth great-grand-daughter" Is mise an naoú h iníon garpháiste de chuid David O'Killia "I am the ninth great-grand-daughter of David O'Killia" Are you sure the name wasn't O'Killian
Misneach "Courage" Dul ar Aghaidh "Moving Forward" diongbháilteacht agus buanseasmhacht "toughness and perseverence" Something having to do with pushing forward despite what life has thrown at you: Coinnigh do mhisneach! "Keep up your courage!"
Go ndéana a mhaith dhuit, a Laura !
If this is for a tattoo or anything else of a permanent nature, i'd recommend going to a larger forum such as Irish Translation Forum where more people can discuss it and double check for mistakes. Tá ceartas agus misneach dochloíte. Justice and fortitude are invincible.
Hi, what Laura has given you Tá muinín agam as féin means "I trust himself." (I trust myself would be Tá muinín agam asam féin.) "Trust me" is an imperative construction, if a little unusual. The Irish would be Bíodh muinín asam. literally "(Let there) Be trust in me."