Hiya -
What is the proper translation for the phrase "trust me?" I am using the phrase as a reminder to myself to have self-confidence and trust in myself.
Much appreciation to all.
Be well.
Is your phrase a statement or a question?
'I have confidence in me' would be: Tá muinín agam as féin.
I guess you could say An bhfuil muinín agam as féin? to ask if you trust yourself.
Hi, what Laura has given you Tá muinín agam as féin means "I trust himself." (I trust myself would be Tá muinín agam asam féin.)"Trust me" is an imperative construction, if a little unusual. The Irish would be Bíodh muinín asam. literally "(Let there) Be trust in me."It would be more usual to phrase this as "Trust yourself." even when talking to yourself. That would be Bíodh muinín agat asat féin.
Go raibh maith agat, a Bhreandáin!
Go ndéana a mhaith dhuit, a Laura !