I have Collin's Easy Learning Irish Dictionary. It's 560 pages long. The book explains some basic grammar, has a small selection of verb tables, and a section called "Irish in Action", which shows you how to say a lot of basic things in Irish. It has an Irish-English section and a somewhat larger English-Irish section. I think it is a very good dictionary for the price and definitely helpful to the beginner. However, there are times when I cannot find words that I need, and when this problem arises, a more thorough dictionary is needed.
A lot of the entries in the dictionary have examples that show you how the word can be used in a sentence. This is particularly helpful for contextual differences. Overall, it's easy to read and understand. The book also has a section that explains how you can more efficiently use the dictionary.
As for grammar books, I have the Irish Grammar Book by Nollaig Mac Congail and the Teach Yourself Irish Grammar book by Éamonn Ó Dónaill. Both were recommended to me by another learner. I have not yet started the Teach Yourself Irish Grammar book, so I can't tell you much about it, but I'm a little more than a third way through the book by Mac Congail. That book seems to be quite thorough, though, there are not translations for all the Irish in it. Most of the Irish is translated, however. The only way that I know for sure it differs from Éamonn's book is that Éamonn's book has practice drills and Mac Congail's book doesn't.
The same person also recommend A Learner's Guide to Irish by Donna Wong. This is supposed to be a very good book that was designed with classroom use in mind, and even has spiral binding instead of the more difficult traditional binding. That is, it will easily lay open flat on your desk. It's intended for the serious leaner and it's high price reflects that.
For more in-depth information, there is a good review on Wong's book available at Amazon. There are also good reviews for the other grammar
books I mentioned at Amazon. Just look them up on Amazon.com.
For verbs in particular, I've heard that Leabhar Mór Bhriathra na Gaeilge (The Great Irish Verb Book) by AJ Hughes is the best book available on the subject.
You can purchase it here as a hardback (I'm not aware of a paperback version): http://www.litriocht.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=5338
A good review of the contents can be found here: http://www.daltai.com/discus/messages/13510/35061.html
The Great Irish Verb Book is the larger, more thorough version, including a lot of information on dialectal variations. There is a shorter version called The Abridged Irish Verb Book that excludes the in-depth look at regional differences, and therefore is a lot cheaper.
The Abridged Irish Verb Book can be purchased here at Litriocht.
Paperback Version: http://www.litriocht.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=5894
Hardback Version: http://www.litriocht.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=5893