Hi, Kevin,
Allow me first to say that this is not a site that sp3cializes in translation, but is rather for those who are learning Irish. By definition, that probably makes it a more risky option for pursuing a translation, and in many cases some will probably decline any attempt at all.
The translation of what you haveoffered is (roughly) "House of the Ridge above the Bay"; however, I have some misgivings about the grammar of what you have provided.
To be a correct Irish construct, "Ridge" (Dromainn" should be rendered in the genetive case as a possessive. To place it into the genetive format, an "e" should be added at the end: "Dromainne" giving "Teach Dromainne Os Cionn Na Bá". (Please note that the "a" in Bá has a fada (accent mark) above it. I know you used an apostrophe, but not everyone knows how to apply the accent/fada onto vowels on the computer or other electronic devices.)
I am thinking, though, that a more correct phrasology would be: "House on the ridge above the bay", which would be "Teach Ar An Dromainn Os Cionn an Bhá". The genetive "Na Bá" at the conclusion of your version does not seem, to me at least, to go with "Os Cionn" "above". Also the term "Bá" in this instance seems not to need the genetive case, because of the "above" term that precedes it. As a feminine noun, it would be lenited "an bhá".
My next concern is with the use of the word "Dromainn" for "ridge"; it does have that meaning, but also means "mound" and seems related to the word "Droim" which is another word used for ridge, but also means "back" as in a person's back. I am wondering if the term "mullach" might be better, which means "highest point" or "summit" but also includes geography-specific meanings of "elevated ground, height or emminence". I am not saying that "Dromainn' is wrong, but wonder if "Mullach" might be a more appropriate choice. That would result in "Teach Ar An Mullach Os Cionn An Bhá"
Finally, I have to tell you that I am no where near fluent in Irish, and consider myself still a learner. There may be others on this site, or on sites more dedicated to translation services, who may disagree with me on some, several, or all points which I have included in this missive. Please remember that I am not native, or fluent, so anything I offer must be viewed in that light.
Good luck!
Dale D