To the person/persons posting content on this site that appears to have a valid question but uses very poor grammar and embeds a completely off-topic link in their post:
Your posts and/or attempted posts have been deleted. They will continue to be deleted as soon as I see them. Your account will also be deleted as a SPAM offender.
The same applies to those persons posting items for business concerns in China, or who are advertising for the sale of fake documents, watches, clothing, anything else.
Your account is deleted immediately because you are attempting to SPAM our group. Such is considered an ILLIGITIMATE USE OF THIS SITE!
So just stop already.
I can delete them as fast as you post or attempt to post them. When you create a new member account, your posts begin by going into the Moderated Posts file, where I see them before anyone else. When that happens, they never see the light of day.
Please leave us alone. Your traffic is not wanted and will continue to be DELETED immediately, along with user accounts of offenders.