Learn Irish with Buntús Cainte on your iPad - award-winning new app!

Latest post Wed, May 7 2014 11:41 by michelle. 0 replies.
  • Wed, May 7 2014 11:41

    • michelle
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    • Béal Feirste, Éire (Belfast, Ireland)
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    Learn Irish with Buntús Cainte on your iPad - award-winning new app!

    Really excited to say we released our Buntús Cainte Irish Course for Beginners last week. Most of you know we've been working on this iPad app for over a year. But it's finally out there!

    On release last week, it hit the number 1 slot in the Irish education category and hit number 20 in the UK Education category. And a few weeks earlier, the app won Best App award at the Celtic Media Festival Big Smile

    Learn Irish with Buntús Cainte is the result of a co-production between us and MG ALBA (BBC Scotland). We decided to pool our resources to create an app for learners of Irish and Scots Gaelic that is as beautiful, effective and rich as any app produced for major world languages like Spanish or English. 

    During the production period, we collaborated with great actors, award-winning illustrator Julie-Anne Graham, instructional designers and language-learning geeks. The result is our gorgeous and engaging language learning app with 60 lessons, more than 1,000 bespoke illustrations, 1,800 native speaker audio files and 3,000 test questions and learning games that take full advantage of the iPad’s touchscreen. 

    Personally, I've been blown away by how much people love our quizzes! We developed five question types that test different aspects of language mastery, and I wrote over 3,000 quiz questions. That was a tonne of work, but the questions are a huge hit with our learners.

    So, are we on Android? Well...not yet! We decided to develop our iPad app first after analysing the traffic on www.talkirish.com – over 70% of mobile traffic currently comes from iOS devices. However, we're now hard at work on a HTML5 version of the course for desktop and Android tablets - visit http://buntuscainte.com to sign up for a release alert. 

    Got an iPad? Download the app now and try the first lesson for free!

    Is fearr dhá theanga ná ceann amháin…

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