I'm Irish just to start off. All I'd like to do is learn enough Irish to pass my Leaving Cert. in 2014. I would like to know how to put sentences together and how to remember how they go together. All I know to date is: Tá = Present tense, Bhí = Past tense and that a verb is always first in a sentence. An example of a sentence I know is: Bhí Jimmy go dtí an teach tábhairne gach Aoine, which is: Jimmy went to the pub every Friday and Tá mé/Táím tuirseach: I'm tired.
I would like to know enough Irish to be able to talk in a Gaeltacht when I leave school, to be able to have a conversation in irish with my Irish teacher because he's great craic! Also I'd like to be able to do my Irish oral without saying "eh" all the time through out it all. I currently do Ordinary Level Irish and got a B in my Junior Cert. at Ordinary Level too. I'd like to chance an Honours/Higher Level paper but I doubt very much I'd be able to pass it. Most of the time I use Google Translate to do my obair bhaile and I know that it's inaccurate.
Go raibh míle maith agat.