Does our new Buntús Cainte course work on MP3 players and smartphones other than Apple's, such as Android or Nokia?

Latest post Tue, Sep 24 2013 2:36 by tanyacoleman. 5 replies.
  • Thu, Sep 30 2010 10:22

    • michelle
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    Does our new Buntús Cainte course work on MP3 players and smartphones other than Apple's, such as Android or Nokia?


    As long as your MP3 player or smartphone can display lyrics embedded in MP3 files while playing the audio (this is how you can read the Irish and English translation while listening to the audio course), our Buntús Cainte course will work.

    Unfortunately, the built-in MP3 players in Android and Nokia smartphones don't support embedded lyrics. There might be third-party MP3 players you can install on your phone that have this functionality. We'll start checking these out when we get a moment, and we'll post our findings here.

    If you're unsure whether your MP3 player or smartphone can display lyrics embedded in MP3 files, you can download the first lesson of our course *FOR FREE* from our bandcamp page and try it out.

    Let other learners know if it works on your device by posting a message in this thread!


    Is fearr dhá theanga ná ceann amháin…

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  • Fri, Oct 1 2010 9:39 In reply to

    • zeldor
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    Re: Does our new Buntús Cainte course work on MP3 players and smartphones other than Apple's, such as Android or Nokia?

    the astro player mp3 player shows lyrics on the android phone.

    It doesnt "follow along" as the music plays, but then Im not sure your

    iphone app does either but at least the words are there to scroll

    through as it plays.


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  • Fri, Oct 1 2010 10:54 In reply to

    • michelle
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    Re: Does our new Buntús Cainte course work on MP3 players and smartphones other than Apple's, such as Android or Nokia?

    Zeldor, a chara,

    Go raibh maith agat as an t-eolas! I'll pass this information on to the Android owners who've been emailing me.

    You're right - you have to manually scroll to the lyrics on the iPhone, iPad or iPod.

    Hope a few other Android owners will download this and let us know how they get on.

    Slán anois,


    Is fearr dhá theanga ná ceann amháin…

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  • Sat, Oct 2 2010 16:28 In reply to

    • mehdi
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    Re: Does our new Buntús Cainte course work on MP3 players and smartphones other than Apple's, such as Android or Nokia?

    Using the Buntús Cainte MP3 Course on a Nokia smartphone (e.g. Nokia 5800 or Nokia N97)

    As Michelle mentioned above, the built-in MP3 player on Nokia smartphone can't display the lyrics embedded in MP3 files. This means that you won't be able to read the Irish and English translations while listening to the audio course.

    Fortunately, there is a third-party MP3 player you can install on your phone that will let you do that. It's called LCG Jukebox and you can get it here: (use the Symbian download link on the left-hand side to download the trial version).

    I've tried it on my Nokia 5800 and it works fine. Once a Buntús Cainte lesson is playing, tap the small pen icon to display the Irish and English translation. The pen icon is really tiny so you might need to use the stylus to get to it but once the lyrics are displayed, you can scroll easily with your finger. Here are a couple of screenshots:




    It's not the prettiest application ever but it does the job. Note that it's not free - it costs $19.50. There's a free trial however.


    LCG also have an Android and a Windows Mobile version of this MP3 player. So if you have an Android or Windows Mobile smartphone, you could give it a try to get Buntús Cainte working on your phone.

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  • Tue, Mar 5 2013 22:28 In reply to

    • JennyL
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    Re: Does our new Buntús Cainte course work on MP3 players and smartphones other than Apple's, such as Android or Nokia?


    RE:  Android Device:  NEXUS 7 Google 'mini' pad

    As mentioned, using the JukeBox app, the Nexus 7 Google mini Android pad has a specific music player called N7 player which you can download and then display the lyrics.  When you are 'playing' a lesson, just press down for a few seconds over the lesson and a 'show lyrics' option will appear.  There is a free test app to download for two weeks and then it only costs a few dollars from the Google Play store.  I didn't use JukeBox as it didn't list my device.



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  • Tue, Sep 24 2013 2:36 In reply to

    Re: Does our new Buntús Cainte course work on MP3 players and smartphones other than Apple's, such as Android or Nokia?

    I guess it is okay to use with certain Android devices.

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