You may reject me outright, because...well, I have very little in the way of French...and I am, at best, intermediate in my Irish, although I am improving. I have written poetry in English for a long time, and a couple of years ago, I self-published a book written in poetry on a Christmas theme. It's called "Five Minutes to Christmas". I was curious about how well I could do, so I attempted to translate my poem from English to Irish, and got help from someone on this forum (who I haven't seen here in quite some time, unfortunately) to "clean up" my Irish translation. The resulting work, which I also self-published, is called "Cúig Nóiméad go dtí an Nollag". The person who assisted me actually was able to make most of the Irish translation rime pretty well, so I was very pleased. Subsequentyly, I have also translated it into Spanish. Sorry, no French translation yet!
While in the US Army, I served for three years in Germany, and learned some German while there. On one occasion, I had a temporary duty assignment in Brussels, Belgium, where the primary languages are French and Flemish. I took a French phrase book with me, which turned out to be useful. I learned that NATO in French is OTAN...which makes perfectly good sense! One of the Belgian officers I worked with, who was Flemish, but spoke Englsih and French as well, and a little German, introduced me to his French-speaking girlfriend, Jeanique. He introduced her to me in English, then turned to her and introduced me to her in French. Well, I studied Spanish in high school, and knew the correct response to an introduction in Spanish is "Mucho gusto!" but I knew it was nothing similar in French. I knew I had heard it before, if only on a TV show or two, so I searched frantically for the right response...and it came to me! I took her hand and said, "Enchanté!" She blurted something out in French very fast. I looked at Rick, the Belgian officer, and asked him what she had said. "Oh, she said you speak French very well!" So that, and a couple of times asking for directions and watching for which way they pointed (because I couldn't understand what they said) is the extent of my experience in French.
There is a facility on this forum where you can ask someone to be your friend; I will try to invite you, so hopefully we can figure out some way to correspond that will be helpful and constructive.
Meanwhile, welcome to the forum, and I hope you do well with your Irish studies!
Dale Dennis