Dé Sathairn 11 Nollaig 2010
Ticéid £10.00
Doirse 7.45i.n.
The Unwanted Trio
Ó thraidisiúin shaibhre an dá thaobh den Atlantach a tháinig foinse agus ionsparáid cheol Unwanted – triúr ceoltóirí ó Shligeach a bhfuil sárthallann agus tiomantas saoil dá gcuid ceoil acu.
Le chéile, léiríonn Unwanted tuiscint dhomhain ar cheol an tSeandomhain agus an Domhain Nua araon, agus le chéile chruthaigh siad comhtháthú foirfe den dá thraidisiún seo ina léiríonn siad go bhfuil an próiseas claochlaithe a thagann ón trá agus ón tuile cheolmhar ar an Fhrinse Atlantach ag dul ar aghaidh go fóill. Cibé áit a thaibhíonn siad tá Unwanted ag fáil amach go bhfuil fáilte mhór rompu agus an-tóir orthu, leoga.
Cathy Jordan
Fonnadóireacht, Basár, Giotar, Bodhrán, Cnámha, Uathchláirseach
Rick Epping
Armónach, Consairtín, Bainseó, Giallchláirseach, Maindilín, Fonnadóireacht
Seamie O’Dowd
Giotár, Fidil, Fonnadóireacht
Saturday 11th December 2010
Tickets £10.00
Doors 7.45pm
The Unwanted Trio
From the rich traditions of both sides the Atlantic has come the source and inspiration of the music of Unwanted – three Sligo-based musicians, each with exceptional talent and a lifetime dedication to their music.
Together, Unwanted demonstrate a deep understanding and appreciation of the music of both the Old World and the New, and together they have created a seamless fusion of these traditions, showing that the process of transformation arising from the musical ebb and flow along the Atlantic Fringe continues today. Wherever they perform, Unwanted are finding that they are welcome and very much wanted, indeed.
Cathy Jordan
Rick Epping
Seamie O’Dowd
Is fearr dhá theanga ná ceann amháin…