Karen, Seán,
I downloaded this from my PC to an updated and reformatted iPod touch. I then tried to view the lyrics by clicking the little icon in the top right of my iPod touch. I could only see a lesson list.
So I spent AGES (3 hours!!!) last night trying to display the lyrics, which I could see in iTunes, so I knew the data was there.
Then I accidentally touched the main screen when the album art was showing and the lyrics just displayed!
So - it looks like my userguide is wrong *blushes*. I'll triplecheck all this, but it looks like you just do what Karen did - simply tap the centre screen when the album art is displayed. You can toggle between that and the lesson list using the little icon in the top right of the screen.
Go raibh maith agat, Karen!
Is fearr dhá theanga ná ceann amháin…