Hi there, I saw your post and I just bought the course for my iPod touch yesterday - so I can let you know what I thought of the content so far!
I bought the course the other day. It's good value I think, it's £9.99 and you get 60 lessons. I downloaded it from Bandcamp - it's like an independent version of iTunes where you buy digital stuff. I downloaded it on my computer and then put the content into iTunes on my iPod Touch (because stupid Apple only let you download on an iPod via iTunes - damn Steve Jobs and his lockdowns!!! But it's easy to do, and then you can put straight into iTunes either on your computer or your iPod.
So I've been listening to it the past day or two, and I think it's really good. The lessons are short and sweet, just enough content to take in in one lesson. You hear the audio, which is very clear and it's good quality audio. It's slow enough for a beginner to take in as well. You can follow the lyrics/words on screen, so you can hear the audio and see the vocab at the same time. You get the necessary vocab words, phrases and sentences first, with their English translations - like Tá an aimsir go dona - The weather is bad (very apposite today!!)
So you can hear them and see the words as well. It really helps to see the words and hear them spoken because the spellings look so different from the actual pronunciation, so I found that v useful. Then there's a short dialogue with a few of the Buntús Cainte characters, with the English translation below. You can pause it at any time and practice repeating the phrases or sentences they've just used.
I like it a lot so far, I don't have the time to do big long lessons so these are perfect as I can follow a lesson in 10 or 15 mins. I do mine on the train in the morning :)
I think this course is great for anybody on the move, you can watch or listen or even have it on in the background to remind you of key sentences etc. It's great for the bus, the plane, the train or just for fitting in whenever and wherever you are!
Hope that helps folks :)