TG4 has announced details of their latest development scheme, Údar,
which offers talented new Irish-language writers/directors the
opportunity to adapt a well-known original Irish language literary work
for television.
Údar aims to bring the selected work from a basic script stage to the broadcasting stage.
This scheme, which is
co-sponsored by TG4 and Greasán na Méan, is open to Irish language
writers from all over the country, whether they have screen experience
or not, and to directors who wish to gain experience in television
drama through Irish.
To start the process
each applicant must choose an original piece of work in Irish, for
example a recognised short story. The applicant can arrange the work in
his or her own way by building on the story of the original work
(adhering to the time in which it is set) or by bringing it up-to-date.
The most important development, however, is to make the work suitable
for the television screen.
The outline of the story
and 12 pages of sample script (= a number of scenes) must be enclosed
when sending the application form to TG4. Additional information is
available by ringing 091-558492 or by emailing
Applicants will be
competing in a script competition. From this competition nine will be
selected to attend craft master-classes conducted by a script editor
where each proposal will be developed further.
Six drama scripts will
be chosen for television production from the nine proposed scripts.
These will be developed through the directing workshop before being
produced and broadcast on TG4 in 2010.
Application forms and details of the scheme are available at
Applicants must send application forms, the outline and the sample script to:
Comórtas Údar
f/c Greasán na Méan,
An Chuasnóg,
Baile Ard,
An Spidéal,
Co. na Gaillimhe
Deadline midday 16 November 2009.
Údar – Comórtas do dhrámaíocht teilifíse
Scéim fhorbartha í seo a
thugann deis do thallann nua scríbhneoirí/stiúrthóirí le Gaeilge,
saothar aitheanta a athchóiriú don teilifíse agus a thabhairt ó chéim
bhunscripte chuig céim chraolta.
Tá an scéim seo, atá
comhurraithe ag TG4 agus Gréasán na Meán, oscailte do scríbhneoirí
Gaeilge ó cheann ceann na tíre, bíodh taithí scáileáin acu nó ná bíodh,
agus do stiúrthóirí ar mhian leo taithí a fháil ar dhrámaíocht
teilifíse i nGaeilge.
Mar thús leis an
bpróiseas, roghnóidh gach iarrthóir bunshaothar Gaeilge, mar shampla
gearrscéal aitheanta. Tig leis an iarrthóir a chóiriú féin a chur air
trí thógáil ar chreatlach an bhunshaothair (cloí leis an saol ina
bhfuil sé lonnaithe) nó é a thabhairt suas chun dáta. Is í an fhorbairt
is tábhachtaí, áfach, ná an saothar a chur in oiriúint don scáileáin
Ní mór Imlíne den scéal
chomh maith le 12 leathanach de script samplach (= roinnt radharcanna)
agus an fhoirm iarratais faoi iamh a sheoladh chugainn. Is féidir breis
eolas a lorg ach glaoch ar 091-558492 nó r-phost a sheoladh chuig
Beidh na hiarrthóirí san
iomaíocht i gcomórtas scripte. Ón gcomórtas seo roghnófar naonúr le
freastal ar mháistir–ranganna ceirde, faoi stiúir eagarthóir scripte,
ag a ndéanfar forbairt bhreise ar gach togra.
As an 9 togra scripte
roghnófar 6 dráma le léiriú do theilifís. Déanfar forbairt orthu sin ag
ceardlann stiúrthóireachta sula ndéanfar iad a léiriú agus a chraoladh
ar TG4 in 2010.
Tá foirm iarratais agus sonraí na scéime le fáil ar
Ní foláir d’iarrthóirí foirm iarratais, imlíne agus script samplach a sheoladh sa phost chuig:
Comórtas Údar
Gréasán na Meán
Eo Teilifís
An Spidéal
Co. na Gaillimhe
le go mbeidh sí faighte againn roimh mheánlae 16 Samhain 2009.