I followed your directions and was pleased to find that it did work...but only for the á. Ctrl + Alt + e gives me the euro symbol and Ctrl + Alt+ i/o/u doesn't do anything.
Nadine O.
Hi, Nadine, I live in Canada and use PC. I hold down the ctrl key and tap the apostrophe key, then release the ctrl key and type the vowel I want to wear the fada. It doesn't work in these comment boxes, but it does work in my emails, Word documents, and open office documents. funny it doesn't work in these comment boxes, though.
I look outside and see it is calm. Using Microsoft office word, I can type, copy and paste into the comment box:
Tá an oíche go breá anseo.
It means having Microsoft Office Word or some other word processing program on, but it can make fadas possible in your posts here.
Bob M