Irish Word a Day - Bus - Bus

Learn a whole group of Transport words with our WordFlash game!



With Article (Singular)

an bus
the bus

Example Sentence

Tá mé mall don bhus!
I am late for my bus!



Posted Apr 14 2017
Attachment: bus_bus_HW.mp3


Irish Word a Day - Bus - Bus « Join Martin wrote Irish Word a Day - Bus - Bus « Join Martin
on Tue, Apr 14 2009 7:05

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faberm wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Bus - Bus
on Wed, Apr 14 2010 9:15

Tá mé go moch don bhus.(I am early for the bus).

seano wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Bus - Bus
on Mon, Apr 14 2014 19:16

We have had a query from a member who says that they were told at school that mall is slow, while déanach is late. Unfortunately, not everything you are taught in school is 100% accurate! If you look at Ó Dónaill's dictionary, you will find that mall is somewhere between slow and late in meaning. Late potatoes are prátaí malla and a clock can be mall if it's running late!  If you think about it, they are very closely related concepts. In the north, mall usually means late, while fadálach is more likely to mean slow. Déanach hardly exists at all in the north, apart from in phrases like an Ola Dhéanach (Extreme Unction). In other words, it's partly a dialect thing, and partly that Irish doesn't parcel up the meanings exactly the same (random) way that English does. It parcels them up in its own random and mysterious ways!

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