Irish Word a Day - Gruaig - Hair



With Article (Singular)

an ghruaig
the hair

Example Sentence

Tá gruaig fhada dhonn orm.
I have long, brown hair.



Posted Feb 28 2017
Attachment: hair_gruaig_HW.mp3


michelle wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Gruaig - Hair
on Sat, Feb 28 2009 6:29

Tá gruaig ghearr dhonn orm. Tá sé sleamhain.

I have short brown hair. It is sleek.

jaicmac wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Gruaig - Hair
on Sat, Feb 28 2009 9:29

Fádo, bhí gruaig dhonn orm.

Níl anois ach ciflí bana ann.

(Once, I had brown hair. Now there are only wips of white.

Tá siúl agam.)

Lisa.aus.Deutschland wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Gruaig - Hair
on Tue, Mar 2 2010 7:58

gruaig - hair- haare :)

zsmith wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Gruaig - Hair
on Tue, Feb 28 2012 20:31

Forgive me, I am new to the Irish language. I have learned a lot from this website, but I wondering if anyone could tell me the difference between the sentencing that I see for the daily word and Google translate? Example Sentence Tá gruaig fhada dhonn orm. = I have long, brown hair. Google - Tá mé fada, gruaig donn.

seano wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Gruaig - Hair
on Fri, Mar 2 2012 15:46

Hi, I think I should just warn anyone against using Google translate for things like this. It is a very useful tool - if you want to take a passage on a subject from another language and work out what it means, Google Translate can give you a pretty good idea. However, there are limitations. Even with a huge world language like Spanish, the translations from English to Spanish are rarely 100% correct. What you have here roughly means "I am long, brown hair." but the donn should be dhonn anyway. It just goes to show what an amazing thing the human capacity for language is. With some of the best minds on earth working on the problem for decades, we are still a long way off producing a machine that can accurately translate a passage from one language to another.

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