Irish Word a Day - Clúdach Litreach - Envelope

clúdach litreach


With Article (Singular)

an clúdach
the envelope (or the cover - see below)

Example Sentence

Chuir mé an litir sa chlúdach litreach.
I put the letter in the envelope.

The Irish word for envelope comes from the words clúdach (cover) and litreach (gs of letter). Sometimes the full phrase clúdach litreach is not used, and a speaker might drop the ending to say Chuir mé an litir sa chlúdach.



Posted Feb 10 2017


jaicmac wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Clúdach Litreach - Envelope
on Wed, Feb 11 2009 9:10

Scríobh mé do mo ghrá ach níor clúdach litreach agam.

uvagirl wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Clúdach Litreach - Envelope
on Wed, Feb 11 2009 9:52

I would have guessed that 'clúdach' would become 'an chlúdach'.  Can anyone explain why it's not?

Go raibh maith agat - ta me ag foghlaim

Gearoid wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Clúdach Litreach - Envelope
on Sat, Feb 14 2009 14:02

Hi uvagirl,

Cad e mar ata tú? Tá súil agam go bhfuil tú go maith!

Clúdach stays as 'an clúdach' because it is a masculine noun.

Masculine nouns don't aspirate after 'an' on its own, just the femine nouns do.

Fear = an fear

Bean = an bhean

but if 'an' and a preposition ('leis' for example) come together nouns of both gender are aspirated if the consonant can be aspirated.

for example

fear - an fear - leis an fhear

bean - an bhean - leis an bhean

I hope this helps


leis an

uvagirl wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Clúdach Litreach - Envelope
on Thu, Feb 19 2009 0:18

A Gerard, a chara

Tá mé go maith! Cad e mar ata tú?

Thanks for the lesson on masculine/feminine, and the response to my other question, about pink shirts. I studied up, and I've learned a little, but didn't see anything about the preposition/aspiration connection in the beginner texts I looked over. I hope I won't repeat this mistake, but if/when I do, I hope you'll catch me!


ps: Laura is ainm dom.

Gearoid wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Clúdach Litreach - Envelope
on Fri, Feb 20 2009 10:37

Dia Duit a Laura!

I hope you don't think i am trying to correct you, i dont like to come across like that. Just trying to help you more than anything :) hope thats ok


uvagirl wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Clúdach Litreach - Envelope
on Thu, Feb 26 2009 7:44

Dia Duit a Gerard!

I'm ever so grateful for your help! You + this site are helping me get my feet wet (I wonder if there's a similar saying in Irish?) and I am really looking forward to continuing to learn. I look forward to my Focal an Lae e-mail each morning :) GRMA, as usual, for your help!



Gearoid wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Clúdach Litreach - Envelope
on Tue, Mar 3 2009 8:22

A Laura,

Cad é mar atá an saol agat - i can't think of an exact translation for getting feet wet although you could say,

'Tá mé ag dul i dtaithí ar...'  = 'I am becoming accustomed to...'

I can't think of any sayings as such at the moment unfortunately :)


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